Talking Meme (and some stuff)

Dec 08, 2014 22:10

1st question by flowsoffire

What is your favourite animal?

I think it's not too hard to guess from my posts, but I'm a big cat lover, I especially melt as soon as I see a kitten.

I mean


come on

I also really like owls, be it the very classy ones, like those that are all white (like Hedwig... or the one in the Nina L'eau ad), or the little cute ones, especially when they are being petted. Look at the cute.

image Click to view

On an unrelated note, I managed to cut down the computer a bit, and this afternoon I drew from 2pm to 5:30pm xD feels good, but my eyes were aching by the end, little details hurt xD

memes, life, animals, creativity

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