Binding of Isaac update

Dec 05, 2014 15:15

Woooh, I finished the first part of the game o/
Only took me nearly 13h and 102 tries xD and I think I managed to do it because I unlocked a new character that has more base health and a health regen item, her only downside is that she's slower. I was super afraid I'd die at the final boss, but I didn't, it was pretty close though.

Now I have to start it over and go further, because I unlocked a fourth chapter (two new levels) and a new final boss. If I do that 9 times and I'm lucky enough to get and a special room to spawn or if I do it 12 times (playthrough 10 and further ending with a new boss), I'll unlock two new chapters (Sheol and the Cathedral) that are different routes (you don't do both in a playthrough) and therefore two new last bosses, and if I do one of the two routes (the Cathedral route) 6 times I'll unlock the final chapter and get the true last boss. Damn, I'm so far from done xD if I want to finish all chapters it'll mean doing the game 20 times, and it gets longer and harder (like my d... sorry), up until now there were 3 chapters = 6 levels, now there are 4 chapters = 8 levels, then there will be 6 chapters available but only 5 you can do in a row, and to finish I'll have 7 chapters available and 5 chapters = 9 levels (for the Sheol route) or 6 chapters = 10 levels (for the Chest route (after the Cathedral)) playthroughs... Without saving of course... And there are new items and new characters and omg this is so addictive xD

I don't know if I'm even able to ever 100% the game, but if I do it'll take several thousands tries and like 200h? Well that would make my 36h on Portal 2 look ridiculous xD

life, games

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