Wow well I'm not regretting my 78cts

Dec 02, 2014 01:17

Bought The Binding of Isaac on Steam because it was 90% off (and since I'm a dumbass, I bought Wrath of the Lamb separately instead of the pack, so I could have saved 12 more cts), and it's SO GOOD. I die all the time, yes, but I can see I'm getting better (I'm doing better on most bosses, which is nice, though I still hate this awful spider like arrrgh). Now I get to the Caves in most of my runs, I'm far from the end but I'm happy I go past the Basement/Cellar xD I'm also very good at dying when I get great items, like the one that gives you 99 keys (then again having keys doesn't help making more damage)...

Now I just need not to get totally sucked in the game to the point I forget to do what I'm supposed to =x

(SnK icon because this game is gore and weird and shit)

life, games

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