Talking Meme and some news

Dec 16, 2014 00:14

Is there a personality (artist, historical, anything…) that you particularly look up to or find inspiring?

...Not really? I mean, there are people I like and love their work, but I don't really have one that I look up to and consider my role model...
Hehe, my answer sucks xD

As for news, I finally managed to make it further than before in Binding of Isaac, I only managed to get to the first big boss (the one I had just defeated when I made my last post about the game) again after another 60 tries, and arrived about halfway through the first of the two new levels I unlocked, and I was a bit sad I got killed because I had an item that could oneshot the final boss ç_ç I keep unlocking new items and learning the new bosses' patterns (the Horsemen of the Apocalypse are among them, and OH WOW I hate Famine so much xD weirdly he's the first one you can get, then come Pestilence and War, but I didn't find them as hard? maybe because I had better items later on, idk. I have yet to face Death or Conquest, they look tough xD)

Also, today, I cooked! I made a ratatouille with polenta, and it turned out very good! Although I have to remember that "2 persons" on the polenta box means "at least 5 servings". I have 4 servings of ratatouille and 5 of polenta, so I ate one and kept one for tomorrow, and I froze the rest. I'm not gonna lack food this winter xD

Speaking about food, I started looking up verrines recipes for Christmas (I celebrate it with my (large) family, and we're responsible for the verrines with my parents (we're also in charge of the alcohol, but that's easier xD)), and some sound very good, that's hard to choose xD

life, meme, food, games

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