[( first day 0f sch0o| )]

Aug 13, 2002 15:43

heysz! t0day wusz the first day 0f sch0o|! it wuszn´t bad @ a|l. it wusz a ha|f day t0o s0 we were 0n|y in ur c|assesz f0r ha|f `n h0ur. we had h0mer0om f0r an h0ur `n a ha|f but thatsz cusz we had t0 qet fi|l 0ut inf0 cardsz `nd a|l th0sze 0ther f0rmsz. they´re rea|ly biq 0n coup|esz PDA cusz pe0p|e are a|waysz f0und makin 0ut in the ha|l ..s0 me `nd wi|l q0tta remember that. |ol. the 0n|y bad part ab0ut thisz semester ..isz that i have the 3rd |unch! ima be starvin by the time itsz |unch. |ast year i a|ways had 1st 0r 2nd |unch. i´|l manaqe th0 ..i think. |ol. we|l thisz first day jusz made me rea|ize h0w much i missz a|l my friendsz in f|orida! we had an awes0me time |ast year ..`nd ima missz a|l 0f them s0o much in the yearsz t0 c0me! s0 i´m addin s0me qu0tesz that can rea|ly re|ate t0 me `nd s0me 0f my best friends ..

we may fiqht `nd we may cry .
but 0ur friendship wi|l never die .
i’|l care f0r y0u unti| the end .
a|l because y0u are my best friend -a|lieE ..i dun kn0 where i´d be w/0ut thisz qir|! we have been thru everythinq best friendsz can q0 thru! |ikinq the same quy `nd qettinq in a fiqht 0ver him t0 a|waysz bein there f0r each 0ther when 0ne 0f usz hasz jusz had a bad day! but i think that fiqht jusz br0uqht usz c|0ser `nd i´m s0rry it happened. i |0ve y0u s0o much A `nd i a|waysz wi|l! i h0pe we stay friendsz f0rever!

everythinq chanqesz `nd n0thinqsz the same .
but azs we qr0w up ; 0ne thinq remainsz .
cusz i wusz with usz before `nd wi|l be ti|l the end .
cusz n0thinq c0u|d rep|ace my b e s t f r i e n d -jenn ..n0w thisz qur| i´ve kn0wn ever since e|ementary sch0o| `nd shesz |ike the sister i´ve never had! we have s0o much in c0mm0n itsz scary! even the same shyt happensz t0 usz ..whether itsz bad 0r q0od! |ol. shesz my fami|y `nd i´|l a|waysz |ove her! I |ove y0u jenny |ee!

when drama arisesz .
`nd sidesz are taken .
thatsz when y0u |earn .
wh0sz true `nd wh0sz faken - j0sh `nd ariana ..these tw0 have been here f0r me thru everythinq. they´re a|waysz there t0 |isten `nd a|waysz make me |auqh. i |ove these tw0 w/a|l my heart `nd i´|l never f0rqet them!

hesz the 0ne i ca|l |ate at niqht, he makesz everythinq riqht. h0|dsz me when i cry, makesz me smi|e with just hisz eyesz. sharesz my h0pesz, dreamsz, fearsz, and wipesz away a|l my tearsz. hesz n0t a |0ver 0r a 0ne week trend thisz *perfect* quy isz my BEST friend -wi|l ..i |0ve thisz b0y w/a|l i´ve q0t `nd i´m q|ad it didn´t w0rk 0ut between usz. hesz a|waysz there f0r me ..even if i ca|l him in the midd|e 0f the niqht ..hesz a|waysz there wantinq t0 ta|k. even th0 we b0th |iked each 0ther ..we didn´t q0 0ut ..`nd i´m actua|ly happy we didn´t. i |0ve y0u wi|liam!

we|l that q0esz 0ut t0 my best friendsz wh0 i d0n´t kn0 where i´d be w/0ut them ..`nd if i didn´t have them ..i´d be a t0ta|ly different pers0n than i am t0day! thatsz a|l that happened t0day ..ttu|. *buhbye* x0x0
te am0 ..cyNthia
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