Aug 12, 2002 16:44
0k ..t0day isz the |ast day 0f suMmer vacati0n :( t0day me `nd jamie made ch0c0|ate chip c0okiesz! ::yum yum:: they´re rea|ly q0od! |ol. then we went t0 the p0o| t0 meet wi|l // c0urtney // christine // chris `nd j0e ::siqh:: it wusz 0ur |ast day t0 jusz chi|l @ the p0o| `nd d0 n0thinq `nd n0t hafta w0rry ab0ut anythinq. but t0m0rr0w isz a ha|f day s0 we´re a|l q0nna pr0bab|y g0 t0 the p0o| after sch0o|. |ol. 0h my jeez! quess what?! i wusz ta|kin t0 my n0ah ..`nd he miqht be c0minq up! i w0u|d be s0o happy if he did! i haven´t seen him f0r a|m0st an entire year! my friend wi|l wusz q0nna c0me up t0 see hisz friend derek ..`nd we were q0nna chi|l then ..but he never came up ::qrrr:: then my best friend jenn tellsz me that 0ur friend j0sh "supposed|y" t0|d justin (the quy she wantsz t0 h0ok up w/) that shesz "simp|e, stupipd `nd airheaded". s0 i asked j0sh what that wusz a|l ab0ut ..`nd he didn´t say any 0f that shyt. `nd i be|ieve him cusz he w0u|dn´t say stuff |ike that cusz him `nd jenn are friendsz `nd jusz cusz he w0u|dn´t make shyt up. he wantsz jenn `nd justin t0 h0ok up. s0 n0w i´m pissed that justinsz makin up shyt `nd te|lin jenn. cusz hesz pr0bab|y te|linq her that j0sh ta|ksz shyt ab0ut me t0o. me `nd j0sh think that hesz jusz jea|0us cusz he thinksz j0sh |ikesz her `nd ta|ksz t0 her m0re than he d0esz. but we a|l kn0 thatsz n0t tru cusz j0sh |ikesz nastasshia `nd he hasz f0r a |0nq time n0w ..`nd itsz n0t j0shsz fau|t if justin isz a pussy wh0 can´t ta|k t0 qir|sz. we|l ima q0. ttu| x0x0
much<33 cyNth