[/ fuNn fuNn \]

Aug 15, 2002 16:25

heysz* n0 h0mew0rk t0niqht! ::yay:: but 0h my jeez! my qe0metry teacher isz s0o funny! shesz thisz `|il 0|d |ady wh0 ta|ksz rea|ly s|0w `nd findsz everythinq "neat". itsz the funniest thinq! but 2nd b|0ck q0esz by s0o s|0w w/her. itsz pretty fun th0. i actua|ly ate the cafeteria f0od yesterday ..but t0day me // wi|l // matt // karen // jen // brad `nd sc0tt went t0 tac0 be|l. my friend matt |o0ksz |ike my n0ah ..`cept o|der! 0ur bi0 teacher isz rea|ly str8 ..she |etsz usz eat `nd drink asz |0nq asz itsz n0t in the |ab. m0st 0f the teachersz |et y0u eat ..s0 thatsz c0o|. i <33 my wi|l! he b0uqht me |unch t0day `nd an ice-cream c0ne yesterday ::hehe:: i rea|ly h0pe it |astsz w/him cusz i |ike him a |ot. my qur| a|lis0n wi|l be ce|ebratinq her 15th birthday in *25 daysz* `nd i´m n0t q0nna be there :( 0h yeah ..we have 0ur first vo|leyba|l qame 0n m0nday! ::w0oh0o:: |ol. we|l ima q0. ttyl x0x0
much<3 `|il cynN
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