Jan 08, 2009 00:43
There has been, of late, a certain amount of anxiety about LJ's status given that they basically just sacked half their staff. I'd like to take this opportunity to remind one and all that we don't currently do much with the mirror comm on IJ, but:
This community, including comments made on its entries, is backed up locally by LW maintainers. As are all LW-related communities. If LJ disappears in a flaming pile of wank, DMCA notices, or is simply bahleeted wholesale by SUP, it will be archived elsewhere for historical interest, never for profit, and credit will be given in the form of your LJ name. (Content of and comments on locked posts will never be made accessible to the general public; if we told you only we will read it, then only we will read it.) We run backups on a regular basis. If you have any issues with this policy, let us know. You can, of course, delete comments, and then they will no longer be backed up or republished.
community moderation