lightning_war post recap: 30 December 2008-26 January 2009

Jan 26, 2009 23:52

Game date and time: Thursday morning and early afternoon, 17 September 1942:


* Things are going to be slow during January as we reboot to Lightning War 3.0. There will shortly be a post to help you keep track of things as the names of characters, places and journals change over the next two months. Very little of the actual plot has changed; it's mostly names and places, although some of the Leffoy-Malaspina backstory is different. Erasing all the serial numbers will be a lengthy process--but when we are done, Lightning War will finally be free of all non-deniable Harry Potter references.

* Until further notice we are not recruiting new players. It’s not fair to anyone new to expect them to start when we’re in the middle of this.

* Lightning War is hosted on Insane Journal. If you are reading this on Live Journal or through an RSS feed, links will work, but clicking on journal names probably won't--or will take you somewhere irrelevant.

* If you have friended this community but have not joined it, you are not a member. This means you will miss locked posts. You will be unable to vote in polls. Also, your comments on posts will be screened until a maintainer unscreens them, which makes discussions less lively.

* If you post on this comm--retro-caps, crack, polls, whatever--try to remember to cross-post to the LightningWatch comm on IJ. I've been forgetting too, but we should be more careful.

* We back up posts to this community and comments made on those posts. Please be aware that if LiveJournal fails permanently, everything will be reposted for the sake of continuity somewhere else, probably IJ. No profit will be made.

* Kiri's backstory fic for Lightning War, World Well Lost, is also being de-Potterised and is being posted in her fic journal, azalais, under friends lock, because she is still editing it and hasn't made any decisions about the copyright/copyleft for it. She will friend back anyone she recognises (well, except the trolls).

Completed/Continuing Open Threads:

Callista Lovelace thinks things haven't improved as much as they need to at school, despite Goyle's best efforts. Her friends Mercuria, Dio and Jon try to cheer her up a bit. (Closed and complete.)

The Leffoys have returned to the Academy. Juliana Leffoy and Valeria Malaspina become students in Avalon College, but Moruith myr'Steren does not. Kat Loveday and Florian Leffoy are reunited. Callista Lovelace breaks down, and her brother Ambrose and cousins Martial and Mercuria take her somewhere else. Colette Saint-Germain is not pleased to see Liane. Ianthe Pritchard and Arianwen Rosier are not pleased with Colette Saint-Germain, or Aurélien Jeannot. Moruith impresses Ianthe. Liane makes her peace with Reynard Saint-Germain; Reynard's girlfriend, Felicity Greengrass, is not happy about it. (Closed and complete.)

Colette Saint-Germain's ugly story about Liane is being repeated. When Benito Quirke overhears it, he is moved to action...but of what sort? (Closed and complete.)

Liane Leffoy, accompanied by Moruith, her cousin Charis, and a few of the fans she didn't know she had, tells Colette Saint-Germain and Aurélien Jeannot off during tea. Valeria Malaspina hooks up with Tom Forrester. (Closed and complete.)

New Posts:

Yvon Leffoy likes his new residence.

Colette Saint-Germain isn't dealing with her memories of the occupation--or her survivor's guilt--at all well.

Not everyone in Michel Rosenthal's sixth-form arithmancy lecture is paying attention to the maths. (Closed and complete.)

James Randall tells Delilah Ayyar that he has rid himself of the obstacles that lay between them.

Léo Szilárd turns down a job offer.

Paul Pettigrew makes a difficult confession to Headmaster Mathers.

Parsival Mathers knew he shouldn't have believed that story.

And makes his own embarrassing confession.

Addie Kyteler and Moruith myr'Steren slip off to get to know each other better.

Juliana Leffoy meets one of her fanboys and two more of Michel Rosenthal's cousins.

Florian Leffoy and Kathleen Loveday try to figure out if they want to get married or not.

Michel Rosenthal realises that Juliana Leffoy is not--quite--the girl he remembers; she has a lot more emotional scars...and wears much shorter skirts.

Olivia Goulston is disturbed by her readings and even more disturbed by Professor Stuart's reaction to them. So are Dylan Vieira and Colette Saint-Germain. (Closed and complete.)

Frances Abbott also had a disturbing reading in her Divination section.

Rachel Zeller doesn't normally approve of gentile girls getting involved with Jewish boys, but Liane is an exception; who else is going to want to get involved with Michel? Maybe she'll convert.

Mavis Trevelyan wishes she understood her readings and that she and Dylan Vieira were still friends.

Dylan Vieira is worried about his readings. And about Juliana Leffoy. But even more, about Colette Saint-Germain.

The Ziteks pay a call on the Dashwoods and the Kiryakovs to share condolences and information.

Benito Quirke is embarrassed by his failure to actually speak to Liane Leffoy.

Jerome Device writes amorous poetry.

Arianwen Rosier warns her boss, Yvon Leffoy, that she's afraid she'll need his help sooner than she cares to think about.

Rosalind Clutterbuck replies to Jerome Device's flirtatious letter with equal parts flirtation and gossip.

Aelia Malaspina is troubled by many worries.

Aelia responds to her father's letter.

Will Goyle interrupts Michel Rosenthal and Liane Leffoy to tell them that trouble is expected.

Jerome Device is eager to get together with Rosalind Clutterbuck and make trouble.

Sebastião Aiona thinks it's time to get moving in the general direction of Britannia.

Kiran Zeller hasn't seen his family in a while.

Tristan Trevelyan is embarrassed to find himself with a crush he's afraid to admit to, given how harshly he's teased other people for being silly about such things.

Laurent Vigoreux has noticed that Séverine Leffoy has gone missing.

Thecla Device is beginning to become aware of just how negative Pippa Brown's effect on her social life has been.

Corinne Allison doesn't really trust Wilkes with her patient, but what can she do? Make a chart with Susie, for one thing.

Séverine Leffoy is still lost.

Alexiel Penrose badly needs a clue. Endymion Dashwood attempts to give him one, but is interrupted by his little brother. (Closed and complete.)

Diotima Starn has received a strange letter.

New Journals:

None this time.

Here's the list of who's where on Insane Journal.

Renamed Journals:

Anjali Ayyar's journal, formerly istislah, is now eastofthesun.
Prudence Bainbridge's journal, formerly via_dolorosa, is now dear_imprudence.
Chandra Lockhart's journal, formerly magickalme, is now perfect_lotus.
Alastor Mablin's journal, formerly guywiththeeye, is now loveanddarkness.
Aristotle Mablin's journal, formerly aristotle_moody, is now tradedinmygod.
Portia Parkinson's journal, formerly caesars_wife, is now above_reproach.
Dylan Vieira's journal, formerly imperialwhisper, is now angelic_whisper.

(Please note: these are Insane Journals, not Live Journals. If the new journal links even work, they probably won't take you anywhere LW-related.)

New Graphics:

Thecla Device, Juliana Leffoy, Rob Mitchell, Vincent Rosenthal and Alison's NPC Journal all have new userpics.

New NPCs:

Sebastião Aiona is a Hawaiian sailor (and privateer) in the employ of Samuel Craven y Vieira. (PB: Jason Momoa)

George Alexiel Penrose (Pelby 1946) is the best friend of Tristan Trevelyan; he has a terribly unhappy family life and spends most of his time living with the Trevelyans. Last year, he decided that he wanted to grow up to be Endymion Dashwood (although he considers himself a poet, not a scientist), who seems to find this moderately amusing. (PB: Ryan Ross)

Cador Trevelyan (Caerleon 1909) is an ally of Lady Dracaena's and the lord of the isle of Lyonesse, which is the site of an interesting social experiment begun by his father--the mundanes who have relocated to Lyonesse are now living in a magical culture and practising a non-Christian religion. He is also related to the arcane ancestors of both Mavis Trevelyan and Raphael Trevelyan, although their side of the family is not acknowledged by Cador's side. (PB: Christopher Lee)

Augustina Delgardie Trevelyan (Avalon 1909) is one of Lady Honoria Delgardie's two daughters and Julian Delgardie's two sisters; she is the wife of Cador Trevelyan. The other sister was the late Claudia Delgardie, wife of Domitian Leffoy and mother of Juliana Leffoy. (PB: Sharon Osbourne)

Lanval Trevelyan (Caerleon 1936) is the middle son of Lord Trevelyan, who has gone off to war; he was a friend to Jerome Device, Alessio Malaspina, Rosalind Clutterbuck, Yvon Leffoy, Verity Bainbridge, and Portia Parkinson when they were in school. (PB: Michael Way)

Madoc Trevelyan (Caerleon 1932) is the oldest son of Lord Trevelyan, who has gone off to war. (PB: Gerard Way)

Tristan Trevelyan (Pelby 1946) is the youngest son of the main line of the Trevelyan family. He is rather clueless about a lot of things, and hasn't really decided what he wants to be when he grows up. Endymion Dashwood finds him amusing as well, but not as much as Hadrian Kyteler does. (PB: Spencer Smith)

Laurent Vigoreux is a poet who is a member of the Armorican resistance and is just a bit of an idiot about Séverine Leffoy (one of his chapbooks is dedicated to her, though not in a way anyone other than she would find flattering). (PB: Pete Wentz)

Kiran Zeller (Pelby 1939) is a journeyman at St Pantaleon's Hospital. He is Indian, but his family died when he was quite young, and he was taken in by Reuben and Gittel Zeller. (PB: Kal Penn)

Many of these folks are part of a plotline being developed by mclittlebitch with assistance from ataniell93. Those interested in the source canons are encouraged to participate.

Under New Management:

There are a lot of characters that are currently open. Check out the Adoptable Characters page for descriptions of the kinds of adoptions that are open and lists of characters available for each. If you are not sure, ask. :) We will be accepting new applications once we are done rebooting.

new graphics, recap, journal renames, lightning war 3.0, we aten't dead, character introductions

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