A Trampoline

Aug 24, 2009 16:14

Title- A Trampoline
Rating- PG-13
Summary- Guess what Jack bought at Sam's Club? Guess what that means for Zack?
Pairing- Jack/Zack
Warnings- Minor swearing, mentions of sex
Disclaimer- Most definitely real.....and I'm most definitely a talking walrus.
Author Notes- Hope you like it. Constructive criticism very much welcomed.

              “Zack! Zack! Come see what I bought at Sam’s Club!” That’s what Jack said when he came bounding through the door an hour late.

“What is it?” Zack says putting down the weights he was currently holding. If only he knew what those next two words would do to his well being.

“A trampoline!” Jack says grinning like a two-year-old. “I bought us a trampoline!”

“A trampoline?” Zack stares wide-eyed at Jack trying to comprehend what his boyfriend is telling him. “You bought a trampoline? I thought you were going to Sam’s Club for laundry soap and those cheese ball thingies. When did a trampoline come into play?”

“Well I got those too, but the trampoline was on sale you know?” Jack says as he drags Zack outside to see his new pride and joy.

Zack eyebrows furrow has he looks at Jack, “You bought it because it was on sale? Jack…”

“Zack…” Jack mimics causing Zack to sigh. “Zack it was calling out to me! It was saying ‘Jack, come and buy me and take me home’. Now who was I to deny it what it wants?”

Slapping his palm to his face Zack says, “Jack where are we going to put this thing?” When Jack said trampoline Zack was thinking those little exercise trampolines not the huge things that take up half of the yard. It’s not like they had a backyard to put this huge monstrosity in. Heck, they barely had a yard at all, I mean good Lord they lived in a one room apartment for Pete’s sake and Zack highly doubts that the other tenants would appreciate a trampoline outside their window. Where the hell did jack think he was going to put this thing?

“Before you say anything else I called up the landlord and he said he didn’t care as long as no one complained. Come on Zack! Please!” Jack already has the box out the car and is the process of trying to drag it to what little yard they have.

“Jack, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Zack sighs while he lifts the other end helping Jack move his new toy to the backyard.

“You never think any of my ideas are good so what else is new. Let’s hurry up I want to be able to play with it today.” Jack drops the box down with a thud and begins to start ripping open the package like a Christmas gift. Geez, what a little kid.

“Your last bright had me picking crayon out of my clothes for about a month and let’s not forget where it left you for a week.”

“Yeah it left me sexless for a week. Can we not relive that please?”Jack looks up at Zack with an annoyed glare. “So are you going to help me or what?” Jack already has all the pieces laid out, directions in hand.

“Do I have a choice?”

Grin plastered to his face Jack replies with a “Nope.”


“Is it done yet?”

It’s six o’clock in the evening when Jack calls out from his spot in the grass.  He gave up on the “little” project about two hours before leaving Zack to construct the trampoline on his own.

“Yes, Jack, for love of Pete Wentz it’s finally done.” Zack takes two steps back to admire his work.

Three whole hours. It took three whole fucking hours just to build a trampoline that Jack will get bored within two minutes. The things Zack does for his boyfriend.

“Yes! I love you so much right now!” Jack says getting up and giving Zack a kiss on the cheek.

“You didn’t love me before?” A smirk graces Zack lips.

“Of course I did, I just love you even more now. Come on let’s try it out.” Both of them jump up on the trampoline with little hesitation. “Didn’t this thing come with a net?” Jack stops bouncing to look at Zack.

“Yeah but I didn’t feel like putting it up.” Zack starts jumping again. “It’s not like we need it.”

Poor Zack didn’t even know what was coming next.

Jack comes down right when Zack is getting ready to jump causing Zack to be double-bounced.

Zack goes flying.



Zack and Jack are in the car driving back from the hospital.

“Sorry doesn’t fix the fact that I broke my arm, bright one.” Zack glares at the red cast that adorns his left arm.

“Hey don’t take your anger out on me I said I was sorry.  How did I know you’d go flying into the bushes and break your arm? It was pretty funny though you kind of looked like Superman going through the air.” Jack laughs as he pulls into the driveway.  Zack gives Jack a look of pure hatred which. Jack leans in to give Zack an apologetic kiss.  “Are you going to be ok?”

Zack looks at him with a smirk, “Me? Oh, I’ll be fine. It’s you I’m worried about.” Zack opens the car door with his good hand and steps out.

“Me? Why me?” Jack asks with a nervous glance.

“Well, I mean look where your bright idea got us this time…” Zack says walking up to the door.

“You wouldn’t!” Jacks says calling after him

“Oh I would.” The look on Jack’s face when Zack says the next few words is pure anguish. “No sex for a week.”

“You got to be kidding me! Please Zack not again!” Jack begs as he opens the front door. “Don’t make me go through that again.”

“Oh, well. It’s your fault. You bought the trampoline.” Zack says with a smirk.

The next week is going to be hell for Jack.

zack, slash, jack, trampoline

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