
Aug 23, 2009 16:05

Title- Dishes
Rating- PG-15
Summary- Jack hates doing the dishes.
Pairing- Jack/Alex
Warnings- Minor swearing, innuendo
Disclaimer- This really happen...and I'm a talking walrus.
Author Notes- Hope you like it. Constructive criticism very much welcomed.  
   Jack hates doing the dishes.
   He hates,hates, HATES doing the dishes. With a burning passion.
   It's gross. Wet, slimy food swirling around in lukewarm water. Hands all pruny covered in a combination of food and frilly smelly soap. There was nothing appealing to him about doing the dishes.Nothing.
   I'm mean good God it's the twenty-first century you would think his and Alex's apartment would come with a dishwasher for crying out loud. Too bad Jack's luck sucks.
   So here he is doing the god-damn dishes while Alex is doing God knows what in the bedroom.
   Alex. Alex never does the dishes. It's mostly because he does all the cooking when they do eat in. It was a secret rule between them-One cooks while the other cleans up. And Alex knows how much Jack hates doing the dishes.
   Alex, like the asshole boyfriend that he is, got a sign to hang over the sink that says, "I love a man with dishpan hands."
   That asshole. He did that just to piss Jack off. Speaking of said asshole...
   "Hey babe, are you almost done?" A warm body preses itself against Jack's back as familiar arms wrap around his waist. A head rest on his shoulder.
   "What does it look like ass-wipe?" he doesn't even try to keep the annoyance out of his voice. The dishes are piled a mile high because Alex felt like cooking a three-course meal tonight and Jack has barely made a dent in the sack.
   "Don't be such a bitch." Alex says grinding into the back of Jack's pelvis.
    "Then don't be such an ass. You know how much I hate doing the dishes." Jack groans trying to grind back but Alex grabs his hips holding him in place.
   "Too bad you're not even close to finishing because I was planning on having some fun tonight," Alex kisses his way up to Jack's ear while one hand slips from Jack's hip to his crotch, palming him through his already too-tight jeans.
   "Alex, that's not fair." Jack whines as Alex's fiddles with the zipper on Jack's jeans, "Can't I just do them tomorrow?"
   "Nope, sorry love, you know the rules." Jack can practically hear the smirk in his voice. Another on of their secret rules-No fucking until the dishes are done.
   "Come on! Can't we break the rules tonight? Jack trys to turn around to face Alex but Alex has got Jack's pinned on the kitchen counter with one of his, making it so he can't turn.
   "Don't you wish." Giving Jack a quick kiss on the lips, "Night babe." Alex says slapping Jack on the ass as he walks out of the room.
    Jack spins around incredulous to what Alex  plans to do.  "Wait so you are just going to leave me here so I can do the dishes with a hard-on while you're going to go to sleep?"
   "That's the plan, love." Jack watches Alex walk down the hallway to the bedroom, swinging his hips a little bit more than usual. 
   "You're a complete asshole!" Jack yells as he turns back to the grease stain he had been scrubbing before he was happily distracted.
   "Love you too Jack." Alex laughs as he shuts the bedroom door.
    Jack glares at the stack of dishes before him.
    Yup, he really hates doing the dishes.

dishes, jalex

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