
Jun 24, 2008 13:50

1. What is the furthest place you have ever traveled?
I once travelled with my mom to America when she went on a business trip, but that was a long time ago.

2. How do you relax?
by taking pictures or running

3. If you could turn back time, what would you change?
A couple of situations I got myself stuck into. I would have tried to AVOID it completely.

4. Are you superstitious?No, it would just hold me back from life

5. What are you addicted to? excersize and energy drinks

6. Are you shy around the opposite sex? No. Im not shy around anyone. Theres no reason to be.

7. What happens when we die? I don’t know. Id rather think about life now. But Im hoping we might go to a heaven.

8. How would you describe yourself?outgoing,competitive,friendly

9. What would you want your friends to remember about you? That I was always loyal until the end and I turned out number one every time.

10. Name one person you would die for no matter what. Probably my mom

11. Are you single or dating and if single do you have a crush on someone? I’m single and am not looking for a boyfriend. As for a crush, I’m not sure yet.

12. Where is your favorite place to be alone? Outside with just me and the night air

13. Do you have a functional family? Sometimes. I guess I would call it semi-functional.

14. What is the best accomplishment you have achieved so far? Winning first place in a serious gymnastics competition. Seeing the smile on my mom’s face made the moment top any other win.

15. Do you see the glass half-empty or half-full? Half-full. YOU WILL never win at anything if you always think negative thoughts.

16. Have you ever told someone you hated them? Yeah, but i didn’t really mean it. Its usually a strong dislike at the moment.

17. Name one person you want to see right now- My mom because she’s supposed to be coming home with some food.

18. What's on your mind? school and my parent’s relationship

19. What is your favorite food?I usually like to eat healthy food when I can, but I don’t mind the bad stuff here and there. I also really like sushi.

20. If you could be an animal which one? Why? A Cheetah because they run really fast and are very nimble

21. Would you choose to be very rich or find your true love?I would probably choose to be very rich. Love hasn’t really been my thing so far.

22. What hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Well because I get hurt very often in sports, im pretty tolerant to physical pain so I would say I get hurt more emotionally if I let it get to me.

23. Would you consider yourself a heartbreaker/player? No not really. I hang out with guys, but usually not in a very romantic way.

24. If you were stranded on an Island, what three things besides food and water would you bring? Camera, energy drinks, and a volleyball so I wont be bored

25. Do you trust people easily?Sometimes I tell people too much about myself, but I trust very few people completely.

26. Do you collect anything? If so, what? Not really unless you count my trophies and medals. Well I do have albums full of pictures.

27. Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Most of the time unless someone is being really annoying or rude.

28. Are you passive or aggressive? I can be more on the aggressive side

29. Choose a stereotype that best describes you- Jock

30. In the opposite sex, would you rather them be independent or dependent? Independent. I cant stand people that cant stick up or fend for themselves.

31. Can you keep a secret?Yes, I would never tell other people something that someone doesn’t want me to tell.

32. What was the worst trouble you have gotten yourself into? Getting expelled from school

33. What two words best describe you?
Competitive and determined

34. What turns you on? Off?
Turn on- A strong person , Turn off-quiters

35. If you were cheated on would you give that person a second chance?
If someone cheated on me in an actual relationship I would say no because obviously that person didn’t really want to be with me.

36. What is something weird about yourself?I own a couple different pairs of colored contacts that I wear once and a while.

37. What noise can you not stand?The usual nails on the chalkboard thing and when people crush their pop cans. I don’t know why, but I just hate that.

38. If you were in a fight, what would be your weapon of choice? I try to stay away from physical violence, but for FUN, I would say a knife because IT’S light and wouldn’t slow me down.

39. Would you sell your soul if you could obtain the thing you most desire?No I don’t think I would even sell my sould to win at something.

40. What would you want your last dying words to be? I hope theyd be something along the lines of “I never failed at the game of life. Im almost at the end, but Ill always be remembered.”
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