Fic: Steady As She Goes (52/86), Blue Cortina, dakfinv

Oct 11, 2007 20:04

Title: Steady As She Goes (52/86)
Author: dak
Word Count: 2070 this part; [96,904 overall]
Summary for Whole: After an accidental shooting at the station, Gene struggles to keep his team from tearing themselves apart while his and Sam's friendship is pushed to the limits.
Summary this Part: Gene remembers a particularly rough moment in his life.
Rating: still Blue-ish Cortina, uhm, what's slightly darker than blue?
Warnings: angst, swearing, violence, violent imagery, minor drug use, mild sexual situations, self-harm for whole
Spoilers: stolen backstory revealed in 2x06; see each chapter for specific spoiler warnings
Pairing: mild Sam/Annie, Sam/Maya, Gene/missus
Disclaimer: Belongs to BBC/Kudos 
A/N: The whole first chunk is supposed to be in italics, just so you know it's not lj being silly again.

Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4     Part 5     Part 6    Part 7     Part 8     Part 9    Part 10   Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14   Part 15   Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20   Part 21   Part 22  Part 23  Part 24   Part 25   Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30   Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34   Part 35   Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39  Part 40   Part 41  Part 42  Part 43  Part 44   Part 45   Part 46  Part 47  Part 48  Part 49  Part 50   Part 51  Part 52  Part 53  Part 54   Part 55   Part 56   Part 57  Part 58  Part 59   Part 60   Part 61   Part 62   Part 63   Part 64  Part 65   Part 66    Part 67   Part 68   Part 69   Part 70   Part 71   Part 72   Part 73   Part 74   Part 75   Part 76   Part 77   Part 78  Part 79   Part 80   Part 81  Part 82   Part 83   Part 84   Part 85   Part 86

The crumbling, very poor excuse for a door cracked even further as it was kicked in by heavy feet. He staggered on entry, the stench of urine, sweat, and blood attacking his nose. It was so harsh he could even taste it and had to cover his nose and mouth with his hand. "This is disgusting." He spat out the words in utter distaste.

The thin man laying sprawled on the bare, ratty carpet at his feet finally noticed someone had entered his home. "Better than your old barracks, Genie." Stu smiled up at his brother and Gene noticed another tooth had gone missing. Gene couldn’t bear to look at him and started pacing the decrepit "flat," kicking at already toppled furniture. " ‘Sides," Stu added, " ‘S all I could afford," he smirked, rolling onto his back.

"This building’s condemned."

"Makes for free housing," Stu shrugged, resting his scarred arms behind his head.

"Get your kit." Gene ordered, still struggling to breathe in the rat-infested dump.

"Where are you dragging me now, Inspector?" Stu sighed. He was completely relaxed, the result of taking a hit just before Gene arrived.

"Mum’s birthday in case you forgot, which you obviously have, an’ seeing as we’re her only two living relatives on this bloody Earth, thought it might be nice if we showed up for dinner. Won’t even bother to ask if you got her anything. Get your kit." The building was making Gene nervous. The foundation was shaky, the support beams rotting through. It would probably collapse on its own in another year. Gene lit a fag and stole a glance at his brother. The mention of their mother had already begun to weaken his high.

Stu rolled on his side, propping himself up on a bruised elbow. "Thought you told her I was in Spain," he muttered.

"Din’t take much for her to figure it out the truth. Where’s Stu? In Spain, Mum. Can he come for lunch today? Sorry Mum. He’s in Spain. Can he visit me in hospital? He can’t Mum. He’s busy in fuckin’ Spain!" Gene half-sat on an abandoned three-legged desk, flicking his ash to the grimy floor. "Can’t even mention the bloody country without her burstin’ into tears."

" ‘M sorry," Stu mumbled, sitting up and rubbing a hand through his greasy, scraggly hair.

"No you’re not, so don’t even bother sayin’’ it."

"What time’s dinner?" He asked, looking around for a watch that Gene knew for a fact he’d pawned five months ago for drug money.

"Six-thirty. You need a wash. Smell like shit. Got any clean clothes?"

"Yeah. They’re over in the sitting room lying next to the settee. Why don’t you go ‘ave a look?" He sarcastically sniped, scratching at his arm with too long fingernails.

"Grab what you’ve got and come with me. We’ll get you dressed and pressed at our flat. Even you can manage to be decent for an hour or two. For Mum at least."

Their was a tense silence as Stu moved slowly, still caught in the haze of his high as he searched for proper clothes. "Close the house yet?" Stu ended the silent standoff and stood, shuffling round the mattress looking for socks and trousers.

"Next week. Missus was in a right state over it before. ‘Bout Harry lendin’ us the money."

"Now?" Stu plopped back down on the mattress and slipped on some thin socks.

"Now she can’t stop with the planning and the decorating. I think we own every book and magazine in Manchester on the subject." Gene dropped the butt to the floor and stubbed it out with his shoe, though he didn’t know why he should. It would probably be better for everyone to let the place burn. "She always wanted a house," he said, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Well ain’t it lovely you can provide for ‘er, eh?"

Gene knew it was meant as an insult. "There’s a guest room," he whispered.

"Ooo. A mud room, too? An’ a library? How about the servant’s quarters? Are they up to scratch?" Stu was on his feet, struggling to zip up his holey trousers.

"We’re goin’ to try again, in a year or so, after we’re settled in. Til then, haven’t got much use for it."

"What? You offerin’?" Stu scoffed. "An’ how long would it last, eh? How long ‘fore you an’ her chuck me out?"

"You think about that post?"

Stu scrambled about, digging through trash, spoiled food, and discarded linens. "Where’s me kit?"

"Stu," Gene barked, trying to get his attention, knowing the kit he was looking for involved illegal substances rather than fresh shirts.

" ‘M not goin’ without me kit." He was growing more frantic now, throwing things around the room. "It were jus’ here!"

"What do you think about the job?"

Stu threw down the soiled sheets he held in his hands. "I think it’s shit, okay! An’ I’m not takin’ it."

Gene left his spot by the desk and stalked across the room, jabbing a finger into his brother’s chest. "Harry took a load of piss landin’ you that post!"

Stu refused to back down, going so far as to push Gene backwards. "Your DCI can go fuck hisself Gene! I’m not goin’ to be some ruddy cleanin’ bird at your beloved station, alright?"

Gene shoved back. "An’ what are you goin’ to do, eh Stu? Look at you! Can’t even piss straight. How much time d’you think yeh have left? When’s the last time you ate properly? Had a decent night’s sleep? You’re fuckin’ killing yourself here! How long d’you think you’re really going to last like this?"

Stu wilted under his brother’s harsh words. "I’ll be fine Gene. I’m a Hunt. We always muddle through," he gave Gene a false smiled that wasn’t returned. Gene grunted in disgust and turned away, reaching for his hip flask. "I’ll do it Gene," Stu pleaded. "I swear I’ll get clean. I jus’ need some time is all. Jus’ a little more time to get me strength back an’ I’ll quit. I’ll do it. I’ll do it when I’m stronger, Gene." Stu circled round his brother desperate to make eye contact but Gene refused to look at him. "I’ll be stronger later. I can do it later. Let me do it later."

Gene stored his flask in his pocket and made for the door. "Be at mum’s at six."

"Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I can," Stu nodded eagerly.

"I won’t come looking for you if you’re not there. Ever. Do you understand?"

Stu nodded again and Gene slammed the door, leaving his brother to his own devices.

Five hours later, Gene sat at the dinner table next to his mother, holding her frail hand as his wife cleared the dishes.

"Is Stewart coming?" She asked hopefully.

Gene shared a melancholy gaze with his wife and grasped his mother’s hand tightly. "I’m sorry, Mum. He had to go back to Spain." The words caught in his throat as his mother’s eyes welled with tears.


His wife set down the dish rag and helped her mother-in-law rise from the chair. "Mrs. Hunt, I need your help. I have no idea what to do with the master bedroom. Your house always looks so lovely, I was hoping you could give me some ideas. I’ve put some magazines in the other room if you’d like to look at them."

"It would be my pleasure, love," the elder Mrs. Hunt smiled, happily latching onto a new subject. "It’s about time you and Genie had a place of your own. He showed me the pictures last week. It’s a lovely piece of property." After she was out of the chair Mrs. Hunt waved off her daughter-in-law. "I can get there meself. I know the way." She started to waddle out of the kitchen. "Now. Many people I know go with whites or tans but I think green would be best for you. Bring out the color in Gene’s and your eyes, dear. Wouldn’t that be charming?"

Gene’s wife stayed with him in the kitchen as the older woman left, then hugged her arms around his shoulders. He reached up a hand and grasped her arm, holding her there.

"You can go find him if you want."

"No," Gene sighed. "I can’t anymore. I can’t handle him...I..." Gene couldn’t finish the sentence and she held him tighter.

"Then let him go," she whispered in his ear, close to tears herself, knowing how difficult this was for her husband.

Gene closed his eyes and buried his pain.

Three months later Gene Hunt and Harry Woolfe stood side by side over the cold, half-naked body of Stu Hunt. Harry placed his hand on Gene’s shoulder as his DI stared down coldly at the corpse of his brother. "Take all the time you need, son."

Gene waited not a second more, shrugging off Harry’s hand and abandoning the scene for the nearest pub.


The smell of burning rubber filled the air of the quiet street as the Cortina’s brakes slammed the car to a sudden stop. A fierce blur of tan leapt from the still running car, the door left hanging open, as he raced to the building’s entrance. A young couple was exiting just as he arrived and he shoved them out of the way so he could get inside.

Flying up the stairs, he immediately found the door he needed and pounded on it until his lone female officer cautiously opened it. She couldn’t even eek out a "Guv" before he stormed inside, through the living room and into the kitchen where Sam was sitting glassy-eyed at the table.

"I’ve tried--" Annie started but cut herself off as in one fluid movement Gene grabbed Sam by the collar and yanked him up. It was a small flat and the bathroom was easy to find. Without even stopping, Gene dragged the barely resistant body behind him, threw him into the tub, and turned the shower on full blast.

Cold water coated Sam’s body causing him to gasp for air and scramble for purchase which the slippery tub refused to provide. Every time he tried to stand a hand or a foot slipped, sending him back down. He tried to shake the freezing water from his eyes but with the shower still running there was always more to take the place of the drops he’d just cleared away.

Gene crouched down and glared at him, moving his head just enough to maintain eye contact with Tyler’s constantly twisting head.

"You give selfish bastards a bad name," Gene hissed. "You want to push us away, hm? You want us to quit on you? You want us to let you drown this time?"

Sam had stilled in the tub, resigning himself to the fact he wouldn’t get out on his own.

"Well I’ve got bad news for you Sammy-boy. I’m the DCI round here and that means what you want doesn’t count for shit! Every time you drop yourself in the muck I’ll be there to drag you back out, an’ all the screaming, pouting, an’ pill popping you try won’t be enough to stop me from tanning your Hyde hide then sticking it back together again. Is that understood Humpty Dumpty or do I need to leave you in here a few more minutes?"

Sam shook his head, some of what Gene was saying leaking into his head. Gene turned off the water, allowing the sounds of Sam’s panting to fill the tiny space.


"Yes Guv?" Annie was frozen in the doorway.

"Heat up some soup."

"He just ate..."

"An’ he’s goin’ to eat again. Can’t have his ribs pokin’ out like some gimpy Greyhound."

"Yes Guv." Annie scurried off to the kitchen and Gene could hear the clanking of pots as she prepared a fresh meal. Gene kept his eyes locked on Sam and held out his hand.

Sam stared at the hand, then slowly reached out his own and grabbed the other tightly. Gene hoisted him up and helped him step out of the tub. He wasn’t sure how much Sam was able to comprehend at that moment but he wouldn’t mind providing a refresher course later if Tyler hadn’t understood now.

"Don’t even think about dripping on Flash Knicker’s carpets you daft nonce," he ordered and pushed Sam into the kitchen.

Part 53


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