Feb 09, 2008 09:01

Ok, so due to lower attendance, buzz had to change their game plan. Now 1/2 the club (2 rooms) are rap..not even hip hop but all the fucking awful "$6000 worth of speakers in my 1977 Oldsmobile" rap. You know what I mean. So the main room and a small side room at the dance music rooms. Normally they crowds don't mix too much, though the people from the "hip hop" room bother us more than vice versa. The men block people on purpose from moving through the crowd and often seize the opportunity to grope woman. They bump into buzz kids left and right causing people to spill their drinks because they were almost fucking on the dance floor. But most of it is just horrid attitude and we just stay in the main room and ignore them as much as possible...

So tonight was Meat Katie and The Rogue Element. Tons of my friends were there; I hadn't been to a party in 2 months--and I spent the night dancing my ass off. All was good.

Then about 3:15 I was hanging out with my good friend Vickie when they closed the ghetto rooms. Most people left but I noticed these 2 tall guys come down the steps fucked up out of there minds into the main area.

Here is why I noticed. They were 2 large thuggish look dudes who seemed to be rolling their asses off. I thought this because they were like running all around the dance floor with each other in this pseudo head-lock and cheering like mad for the DJ. Seriously, they were doing this happy headlock thing on each other for at least 10 minutes while smiling the whole time. I thought maybe this was their first time rolling or maybe the were homo thugs on the DL...I dunno...I couldn't figured out what the fuck their story was but I lost interest in their charades and went back to dancing.

I find Vickie as she wandered off at some point. When I turned around I see her screaming at the 2 weird dudes. Seriously, they were about to hit her. The one dude spat at the ground and cocked his arm bag. Without hesitation I ran and stuck myself between them trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. I pulled Vickie away and she was yelling, obviously pissed off as hell but I can't figure out what she was saying due to her being a little drunk, upset and several thousand watts of music.

She tried to charge at them, but I held her back. She was so ticked I don't think she realized that they were about to swing at her. What kind of fucking assholes punch a girl? Keep in mind, they were both significantly taller than me and I am not short in the least.

So I tried to piece together what had happened with my friend and I felt the crisis was gonna die down now that we had separated. WRONG.

I don't know why, but what V told me is they said they were gonna hurt her. Now, I couldn't figure out what led to that, but I am guessing for almost certain they either grabbed her or said something rude and she justifiably told them to fuck off.

3 minutes passed since I moved Vickie away from headlock guys. I got her dancing to release some of her aggression. I stopped to drink my water and suddenly I felt a hand around my neck. Not squeezing, but cupped...I spun around it and is the taller one of the crackhead duo.

He starts saying all kinds of shit like "you need to control your fucking bitch. That cunt disrespected me....on and on and on" I only heard 1/3 of what he was saying. He definitely was not on ecstasy, but he was on some major, major drugs.

I told him to drop it and I'd keep her away from him. He responded "I'm gonna knock her fucking teeth out."
I reasoned "dude, we just want to dance. It's late, go home, I'm sorry if she said anything rude (I was 100 percent sure they started it, but keep in mind he has his hand on my neck, there are 2 of them, and I am literally completely out of energy from dancing. Even with my 9 years of tae-kwon-do, I knew there is no way I could defend myself at that point in time...so I was just trying to get him to go away for fear he would punch or knee me without warning.)
He ignored me and kept going on about how she needed to apologize to him or he's gonna smack the shit outta her.
I finally seized my chance to escape; I used a wrist release on him because he steadily increased the pressure on my neck.

I am not sure what happened exactly next due to adrenaline and what not but I got over to Vickie and away from the guys and moved her to the corner near security. The dudes went away...so we danced and drifted back toward the center. 5 minutes later, a hand wrapped around my neck again. Guess who? He said "If your ho' ain't gonna apologize I am gonna smack the shit outta you instead."
I escaped again..he and his goon followed me, not running or anything but I quickly scanned the room for security. At this point I contemplated a scary though...he is clearly fucked up as shit, he isn't gonna drop this issue....and what if he had a knife on him? I finally grabbed a guard and I told him this dude was harassing us. The other guards stepped in and ordered him to go to that side and for us to go to the other part of the dance floor. We complied and the fucker attempted to get me at least 3 more times, but the staff internvened . Why the hell they didn't throw him out, I don't know. I didn't want to leave because I parked really far away and I knew fucktard would follow me.

So I wanted to go home but I remained clueless as to what's going on, I sensed it wasn't safe yet. Vickie approached PISSED AT ME! I had no idea why...because she was screaming at me with the same rage she had at them. Again I couldn't hear her well and I figured I could work this out with her later

During our failed chat, the dude some how crept up on me again says. "That's O.K., we're gonna take care of you as soon as you get out the door." Seeing as how there is only one non-fire door exit and not many people left at this point, I panicked a little. I considered this guy might be crazy/high enough to grab a tire iron from his car or something like that.

They left as soon as he said that. I waited til closing to maximize the chance they would get cold or bored or pass out etc. Again, I was so spent I really would not have been able to do much if they were out there.

Beth walked out with me just to have some safety in numbers. Luckily, my plan succeeded cause they were gone and Beth drove me to my car.

Sorry for an insanely long post, but seriously, it is shit like this that really makes me lose all hope for humanity.

buzz, fight, ghetto, fur

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