Spiritual control using letters

Sep 08, 2022 14:39

Technologies of salvation of G.P. Grabovoi.

Lecture by G.P. Grabovoi contains several technologies, including the technology of using letters (phrases), which can be used for macro-salvation and in various situations for normalizing events.

GRIGORI GRABOVOI "Technology of salvation and harmonious development. Methods of control through one's Consciousness, based on the structure of perception to adjust the system of preventing macro-catastrophes and direct access to the structure of the event", May 23, 2002


The method is not limited by the control space and lies in the fact that the words are actually written. Principle is free manifestation.

The Author of the Teaching says: “Now, if you think in front of you in the space of thinking, then you can, in general, consider that you are thinking in front of you, but it is not necessary to fix yourself as if very rigidly to all other objects, for example, except there physical body. That is, again, you need to think near the physical body”.

It is repeated once again that it is necessary to think near the physical body.

Under the conditions of control through the words “space is created as if autonomous, it does not depend on the elements of physical reality, except that you only concentrate on the position in relation to you.”

The level of work with words is located near the controller, this is the simplest system possible.

(controller - a person who controls, does the control)

The principle of control lies in the fact that the area of ​​control is allocated in the form of an event construction. "That is, you see, as if, visually perceive the construction and understand what should happen in it against a more distant background; and on a more approximate background, as if, just write, as on the poster, as if, by letters you write the goal of control".

It is more spiritual control.

The tasks set in the reality:

1. The signing of the Treaty on the Peaceful Solution of Conflicts by All Countries of the World.

2. PREVENTION of the possible global world catastrophe; first of all, to prevent any nuclear catastrophe.

It is necessary to solve the task: "The signing of the Treaty on the Peaceful Solution of Conflicts by All Countries of the World".

Then the control will be as follows: in the optics in front of you, there is a hemisphere with a concavity from you, as shown on the slide.

There is a projection of spiritual control on the hemisphere. The hemisphere is not attached to anything, it is simply in the space of your perception.

On a more distant background, you just understand what is going to happen there.

Using letters to control. Spiritual perception of action. Sign the Treaty.

The slide indicates that the letter "S" is the area of ​​the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi: this is from the goal - “Sign the Treaty”

The left extreme letter is highlighted in the maximum silver-white color and indicates the area of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi on preventing a possible global catastrophe. This area includes the technology of eternal harmonious development, that is, there are two components.

y - the last letter is the control letter.

The control lies in the fact that the phrase should be compressed as much as possible from right to left, that is, from the last letter or point, if it is there.

The letters, as if, begin to sag, compress towards the hemisphere of the eventful spiritual plane, they light up in a silvery-white color, you highlight the phrase itself.

The more you highlight, the closer the goal of control. There is no need to control the entire phrase, the first and second letters are enough, then there will be a background glow.

Perception clearly works at high speeds, you can not perceive everything.

You don’t have to peer into the white color, you can control it with your third vision, track (observe) words, you cannot perceive each letter.

It is enough to understand, as if, the meaning and the next level, which refers specifically to the sphere of spiritual control, where there is actually, as if, a hemisphere.

Compress letters from right to left. By spiritual perception, we see inside the hemisphere an already signed TREATY on the peaceful resolution of conflicts by all countries.

For example, the goal is "SIGN THE TREATY".

Illuminated the first and last letters.

By spiritual perception, we see inside the hemisphere an already signed TREATY on the peaceful resolution of conflicts by all countries.


You select the control area in the form of an event construction, that is, you, as if, visually perceive the construction and understand what should happen in it against a more distant background.

And on a more approximate background, you just, as if, write, as on a poster, in letters, write the goal of control.


Using letters in the control. You do not need to search and create constructions for macro-regulation. Everything is in technologies, in concentrations of various types, or simply in the volume of information of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi.

We use the control method with the compression of letters into a hemisphere.

The main thing to pay attention to is that “You may not have any event there, that is, you may not imagine anything there. But the only thing is that then you need to imagine a hemisphere of, as if, a distant background level, and put the meaning of the goal into this hemisphere”.

In the area of ​​the Teaching, you have all the technology to prevent a possible global catastrophe. You do not need to search and create constructions for macro-regulation. Everything is in technologies, in concentrations of various types, or simply in the volume of information of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi.

With an effort of will, you simply shift, as if, condense information.

There is one word written on the slide - PREVENTION. Mentally, you can imagine the whole phrase - PREVENTION OF ANY NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE

In this phrase, the letter "P" is the area of ​​the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi on PREVENTION of the possible global world catastrophe; first of all, to prevent any nuclear catastrophe.

"N" - the last letter is the letter of control.

An effort is applied to the last letter "N", as if, to compress the phrase by highlighting and compacting the phrase into the area of ​​the hemisphere.

At the same time, elements of macro-salvation are done, because the first letter "P" is highlighted with the information of the volume of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi, which contains all the technologies of salvation, all the necessary constructions, you do not need to create anything yourself.

And as soon as you have condensed the letters (phrase), you get a phrase that is quite light or just very bright. This is a method including self-regulation, self-healing.

Technologically, on the basis of logic, we did this control using the light of the hemisphere. That is, we mentally wrote the control goal, saw the solution to our task in the hemisphere, and compressed letters inside the control structure. It is not necessary to compress strongly so that there is a distance between the letters; it is better to highlight more strongly. You can compress about five times.

Now the light of this hemisphere begins to spread to us.

Work on the tasks of the hall

You can write a long phrase, but remember the first and last letters. We press or compress the distance between the letters, but not very much. We highlight the written phrase: "Solving the tasks of those present in the hall."

The work is carried out according to the tasks of the hall, but we are not included in these tasks. A person does not need to take someone's specific problems, you just need to solve them.

Solving the tasks of those present in the hall. Spiritual control from the Knowing Spirit is the development of the technology of Grigori Grabovoi, when the entire planet can be a hall.

Just "solving the tasks of those present in the hall".

We concentrate on the first letter, highlighting it, and do control from the last letter, which begins to compress the phrase.

It's good to take the first word "solving", but it's not necessary, because there can be high speeds. Enough to understand the meaning.

This level with a hemisphere actually refers to the level of spiritual control. When joint control is done, the phrase is brightly highlighted precisely on the work with the tasks of the hall, then the light of this hemisphere begins to spread to everyone.

Here the light of the Spirit is the light of the knowing Spirit, it is the Light of this hemisphere.

The light spreads to everyone in the hall, that is, the hall begins to fill with light.

Why does the Spirit know? - because all of you together technologically, on logic, have made control. Everyone highlighted the phrase from both sides, that is, from the first letter, which is designated by the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi, and from the last control letter. And the light, as if, of one flashlight shines on another. Light transmission is a very fast transmission.

If all of you together begin to highlight this sphere - in general, this is the sphere of spiritual illumination - then the knowledge of control of control goals will be highlighted.

In this case, the goals are yours, because they are inside the general goals, there are the goals of the hall, plus there is also the first goal, laid down in the first letter, this is macro-regulation so that in the next second there will be no destruction, for example, of the planet, the world.

And it turns out that all these systems ensure a fairly coherent, fairly transparent, as if, flow system of organizing space.

As part of the organization of space, you can already see the forecast phases, you can see what tasks need to be solved.

How can this technology be unified so that it is universal and permanent?

In order for each method to work constantly, always, the method itself must be so worked out that a person does not think for a long time about the positions of the hemisphere, that is, where it is located, what it is attached to, and so on. The hemisphere is not attached to anything, it is just here in your space of perception, without regard to the boundaries of perception.

This, as if, hangs in front of you such an optical construction.

From the hemisphere, as if, the reverse action was formed.

Why is such a system presented (shown) as coordinate-controlling? You just need to think about this, including the question - where does the spiritual line work? where is the optics of logical control?

Spiritual control from the Knowing Spirit is the development of the technology of Grigori Grabovoi for use in modern conditions, when the entire planet can be a hall.

You can read the lecture by Grigori Grabovoi and get additional knowledge in the field of health recovery, for example. (in Russian)                 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1483969517

8979489 - The next number series for salvation, for harmonization, for ensuring eternal life to all.

Strengthening the properties of your control space is achieved by using the numerical series of Grigori Grabovoi from July 10, 2022: 8979489.

Antonina Kravtsova

method, the teachings of grigori grabovoi, spirit, control, consciousness, knowledge, g.p. grabovoi, technology, control constructions, salvation, macro-salvación

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