Sep 15, 2022 15:50

Technologies of salvation of G.P. Grabovoi.

The course on restorative technologies was given by Grigori Grabovoi in 2002.

G.P. Grabovoi, June 20, 2002:

"Due to the fact that your own Consciousness also images, in fact, the level of a certain light, that is, a person perceives in the form of certain images that can be attributed to optical phenomena; and if we consider reality in the form in which it now exists, that all processes can actually be described - as if, we simply consider this point of view - from the point of view, in general, even of orthodox physics, that any processes can be considered as wave and as corpuscular: that is, light can be imaged as a wave; as a particle. Everyone knows this.

If we use this phase of collective consciousness, where it is said that light can be imaged both as a wave and as a particle, then it is quite clear here that even if we consider the phenomena of the microlevel, then, considering the quantum state at the microlevel precisely in the form of light, for example, of a photon, you can very logically simply move to the fact that if you, in your own Consciousness, that is, in your optical glow - what you imagine and how you think - transfer this glow to the level, as if, of a photon or quantum state of a substance, then you can influence this substance".

Necessary optical phase for the implementation of the level of transition into external reality

In the structure of one's own perception, it is necessary to be able to move from the level of one's own thinking, in fact, from the optical level, which constitutes our thought, to the level of action, that is, to the level that refers either to physical reality or to informative.

A person enters the informative reality from the level of his own Consciousness, if he subordinates the forecast phase of the development of events, that is, the optical phase of a future event, to the controlling level of current thinking.


The collective consciousness has an understanding of leverage and knows what the "leverage principle" is.

The seminar, by G.P. Grabovoi, June 20, 2002, deals with the principle of organization of control through the leverage principle.
It is known that if we use a lever where one arm, for example, is much longer than the other, then we can move a large thing using just the linear length of the lever.
Physically manifested matter can be considered as a system of waves, that is, as a system of oriented photons.

Then it turns out that for the transition to control, you just need to spread the same lever from ordinary physical reality to the level of spiritual control.
There can be any control task in the control, for example, of some event series.

Consider the technology that Grigori Grabovoi proposes in a lecture on June 20, 2002 using numbers. (The same principle can be used for letters, color, sound). I'll show you a method for using numbers. The optical control principle is exactly the same as for phrases, color, sound. This knowledge must be understood in order to use it when necessary.

The method of using a conventional digital system to perform of control on the principle of leverage. "... after you no longer do such a control, for some time this as if lever, this construction, is in field of your vision, therefore, you have achieved stability in control."

This method - that is, the use of the principle of leverage - is quite simple in terms of technological implementation and understanding. We need to strengthen the glow of our own Consciousness in order to be able to control the glow within our own Consciousness.

What glow should be controlled?
It is the one that can be called either the goal of control, or the implementation of the goal of control.

The control level is either objective reality, that is, for example, the organization of some event series, or informative reality.

Then the task of control is the organization of access and the need to control the result at the expense of one's own Consciousness.
The first characteristics of the fulfillment of control are, again, our own perceptions.
Within the limits of perception, we form the action, and control, and give an analytical or generalized assessment of the result.

A method of applying a conventional digital system to control using the principle of leverage.

If we have one event in the goal of control - for example: PREVENTION OF THE POSSIBLE USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS - this means we use the number "one".
If we have two events, then the number "two" is used, and so on.

For example:
2. The goal of the CONTROL is "THE SIGNING of the Treaty on the Peaceful Solution of Conflicts by All Countries of the World".

If we have two events, then the number "two" is used, and so on.

That is, if possible, the number of events is needed there do less than five.

The number "ONE", which is close to a person, is the number corresponding to the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi "On Salvation and Harmonious Development".

The slide shows the control of one event through the number "ONE" using the leverage method.
The lever is just the segments between the digits, and the digits are the same - on the control slide, this is the digit ONE.

The number "ONE", which is close to a person, is the number corresponding to the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi "On Salvation and Harmonious Development", that is, such a meaning is laid in the number "ONE".
The next number, from the physical body, is the goal of the control, for example, to normalize some event or do something. That is, the shoulder of this lever is organized.

And then the third number is the same number in which the implementation of the action is invested, for example, the commission of some action, the achievement of the result of control: for example, PREVENTION of the possible USE of NUCLEAR WEAPONS.


- rigidly organize the system in your perception;
- numbers should not move;
- to keep the concentration of highlighting numbers;
- to hold numbers in control memory;
- to strengthen the glow of numbers so that the light reaches faster from the first to the second; and stronger - from the second to the third, where the goal of control has already been implemented;
- the distance from the first number, designated by the area of the Teaching "On Salvation and Harmonious Development", to the second number - the goal of control - should be less than the distance from the second to the third number.

The area of the Teaching "On salvation and harmonious development" is into the number ONE, it is at a distance of 50 cm from you.

The area of the Teaching "On salvation and harmonious development" is into the number ONE, it is at a distance of 50 cm from you.
At a distance of 55 cm in the second number there is information about the goal of control - that is, "THE SIGNING of the Treaty on the Peaceful Solution of Conflicts by All Countries of the World".
At a distance of 80 centimeters there is again the number "one", where the patient is already cured.

"It is advisable to place the third number no further than three meters".

Here, the development of the Spirit lies in the control of the third number. The glow from the number - from the third number - reaches the first number, that is, you received a backward wave of photons. Then, in principle, in this iteration you can finish this action.

"... after you no longer do such a control, for some time this as if lever, this construction, is in field of your vision, therefore, you have achieved stability in control."


The task of control is to move already into the physical reality from the third number, where the realization of the goal of control takes place.

The stronger we highlight three numbers, the more powerful the photon series is created from ourselves towards physical reality, that is, towards the third number.

The third number is either a little lower, - as if, the slope goes, as shown on the slide. That is, first there is a horizontal segment and then a slope. For example, we have two control goals, then we use the number TWO.

In the third number - where there is the realization of the goal of control - in this phase of control, we must already move into physical reality.
For example, we have two control goals, then we use the number TWO.

2. The goal of the CONTROL is "THE SIGNING of the Treaty on the Peaceful Solution of Conflicts by All Countries of the World".

The third number is either a little lower, - as if, the slope goes, as shown on the slide. That is, first there is a horizontal segment and then a slope.
Or the number flattens out and you only work on a horizontal line.

The number flattens out and you only work on a horizontal line.

A person should see the characteristics of the implementation of the action and the correctness of control, as if, consider it at the spiritual level of perception.

The farther the third number is from the controller (from the person), the better.
But still, it is better to work at three meters in this system, no further, because further - the number goes into the space of thinking, in this technique; and it is better to work in physical reality.

The transition is realized precisely into the structure of physical or informative reality; therefore, having received a reverse wave, we can strengthen, improve control by changing the position of the third number - that is, by simply moving horizontally - closer or further.

We just looked for a place for the third number, where there is the strongest glow, in order to get the back wave of photons.

In the leverage system, we can change the length of the shoulder, respecting the ratio of one to five.

Here the lever works, as if, on the contrary, that is, we act from physical reality into the structure of Consciousness, although at the level of thinking we act from a small shoulder to a large one.

This work on a horizontal line is reminiscent of the principle, as if, of intensifying flashlights. That is, the number closest to the person shines, then the second one adds a glow - that is, the volume of photons increases - and then the transition to the implementation of the control goal, where, as if, the glow of the third flashlight is already shining, or increasing.

It is necessary to control (monitor) that after the control is completed, for some time this lever, this construction, is in the field of vision, which means we have achieved stability in control. If the control is done, and the construction dissipated almost immediately, then the required number of concentrations was not carried out, therefore, it must be repeated several times.

In an adapted version, the method is that there is a glow of the system horizontally. The first number highlights the second, and the second one highlights the third, including the first one shines on the third. It is better, first, to do control on specific physical events, and then you can already work in informative reality, that is, get the control goal in the third number in the form of a forecasting phase from the area of thinking.

The concept of informative events is transferred to the level, as if, of the outer space. And we highlight exactly the forecasting phase that we need for ourselves; - at the same time, we must remember: the control occurs through macro-salvation.

The vector of stability

In logic, the vector of stability is quite simple: stable control is done, and the time interval has passed, - therefore, at that time, the control has already been firmly fixed. It turns out that the control is very difficult to change if it is done.

For example, in order to change the control, it is necessary to change the structure of time channels, that is, this is a fairly large amount of information from the past, which, as if, rigidly binds any information in the system of past events.

If you need to do a control on three events, then, accordingly, you use digit "THREE". A control is done according to the already described scheme.

Obtaining a solution in physical space or obtaining a forecasting phase from the level of one's own thinking.

We get a reverse glow - the cycle of control is closed, it is rigidly fixed in the system of time coordinates, in the system of work. At the same time, the cellular system has a learning characteristic from this glow. And plus, we also did macro-control - this is, among other things, a system of self-regeneration, self-recovery.

An explanation of the same method can be found here:

Antonina Kravtsova

concentration, control, consciousness, world, knowledge, g.p. grabovoi, technology, task, salvation, development

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