Star Trek Questionnaire!

Mar 05, 2011 22:33

Snagged from diane_kepler!!!

1. What is your favorite Star Trek movie? The Voyage Home. I truly love that all the characters come together in the end of the trilogy to save not only Earth, but whales too. =)

2. What is your favorite scene in STXI? This is so hard to choose! I guess I would have to say that my absolute favourite scene of the entire movie would have to be the emotional confrontation between Kirk and Spock. I don't think many people would choose this as their favourite, because it's not really all that action-packed. But truthfully, I just love any and all strong emotions between Kirk and Spock - even if they're negative.

3. When were you first introduced to the Star Trek franchise? Ooohhh... It's hard to say. I've pretty much grown up having Star Trek referenced on television and by friends. I would have to say when I was ten, a friend's parent was watching some episodes of TNG which got me interested in the whole franchise. I know it's unusual, but I watched the entire run of ST:ENT before I even watched one whole episode of ST:TOS. I do love ST:TOS very much, but when I was younger, the less than stellar special affects weren't all that impressing to me.

4. Is there anything Star Trek around the room in which you're currently sitting? Right in front of my desk on the wall is my 2011 Star Trek TOS calendar. It currently has a picture of Spock in the episode "The Doomsday Machine". On my right, on the desk is the novel Star Trek Enterprise, The First Adventure by Vonda N. McIntyre which I'm writing a book review on. Underneath that book is the Star Trek, The Mirror Universe Saga comic book. I also have two little figures, Kirk and Kor (Klingon Commander) from the Star Trek minimates series sitting on top of the sewing machine on my desk, and finally, I have a Star Trek fold-and-mail stationary set also on my desk. Err.. it's not THAT much, I swear!

5. Vulcan ears are: A) cute, B) sexy, C) neither, D) both. Err... Both? They are cute on Vulcan children but sexy on adult Vulcans?.

6. If you could be any other species than human in the Star Trek universe, you would be: I have to say I'd either be a Vulcan or a Betazoid. They both seem to have quite interesting cultures to me.

7. Which would you rather have: a sehlat or a tribble? Probably a sehlat, because I'd always be too afraid to leave the tribble alone - seeing as if it ate anything I'd have too many to handle.

8. Who might you cast in the role of reboot Nurse Chapel? Khan? Other reboot character? Yeoman Rand: Heather Morris, Nurse Chapel: Candace Cameron Bure, Khan: Alex Meraz.

9. Kirk and Spock are: T'hy'la

10. If you could give any Star Trek character a chance to be captain of the Enterprise, who would it be? Chakotay. I definitely think he is captain material. Now all he needs to do is go back in time... >_>

BONUS. Think fast! Give one Star Trek quote from memory: "Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human." This is actually my sig on a lot of sites. Especially dolls ones. =)

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