
Mar 03, 2011 18:00

Title: Perplexing
Chapter: One
Rating: NC - 17
Pairing: Kirk/Spock... Sarek/Spock?
Warnings:  Sexual context, slash, slight incest, mention of a dead character.
Status: Complete
Summary: Sarek has always been a logical Vulcan. Yet when he accidentally stumbles upon an erotic fan-based site centred around his own son, his logic fails him. Written for the st xi kink meme prompt found  here.

Sarek turned on his PADD and opened up a browser. Concerned for the welfare of his youngest son, and not being on speaking terms with said son, left him resorted to reading common gossip and limited data released by Starfleet for information as to his child’s wellbeing. As the intergalactic search engine loaded, Sarek pondered what had become of his relationships with his sons. He was estranged from both of his children and had been for some time. Were he any less Vulcan he would be ashamed of himself. Even separated by distance, most Vulcan families communicated regularly.

The death of his wife left him feeling lonely - though he wouldn’t admit it. What he could admit to, was wanting to share more time with his children and he often recollected time he’d spent with them in their youth. Children were so much easier to deal with than adults.

The soft trill from his PADD indicated that the search engine was connected and ready to be used. As he tapped the words into the engine with the stylus, Sarek envisioned his youngest son aboard the star ship USS Enterprise. Dressed neatly in a science uniform, his son would be seated at the science station and respond to any command his captain asked of him. Though Spock never followed the path he wished for him, Sarek couldn’t deny that his son would undoubtedly perform his duty with optimum efficiency.

And he imagined that it would be a trying task to work constantly in the companion of Humans. Working with Humans could be taxing on emotional and psychological boundaries and as such, he calculated that his son would have to meditate precisely one point three eight times more frequently than normally required. While Sarek would have preferred his son to embark on a more traditional Vulcan career path, he supposed his wife would have been content. For there was no doubt that Spock was forming close relationships -friendships- with the Humans he worked with.

It was with this thought that Sarek decided to change his daily search. As he entered the description, he wondered what he would find as a result of ‘Kirk/Spock’. What he had not expected however, was a listing of over one hundred thousand search results. He scrolled the top twenty of the list and found reoccurring themes to his search. Raising a quizzical eyebrow, Sarek selected the first result.

A blaring pink background filled his PADD screen, while numerous pictures of his son and commanding officer covered the top of the page. The page title read ‘The Kirk/Spock Archive’ and appeared to be an archive of pictures, documents and discussions on Spock and Captain Kirk. However, what was most disconcerting to Sarek was one particular picture on view.

The position that the two males were in suggested a relationship of more intimacy than friendship. His son, bent over at the science station aboard the Enterprise appeared to be glancing back at his captain who was holding onto his First Officer’s sides. As he concentrated carefully on the captain’s face, he realised that the captain appeared flushed, and surprised.

Sarek blinked slowly. Was his son in a romantic relationship with his commanding officer? It seemed almost preposterous. His son should be concentrating on a relationship with a woman, so his actions could benefit the prosperity of the Vulcan community. While no child between Spock and a Human -or any other alien- would result in a full blooded Vulcan, Sarek surmised that any child of Vulcan descent was a positive step towards building a future for their species. As such, there would undoubtedly be unions between Vulcans and other worlders until the population stabilised at a higher number.

He decided he could not come to a conclusion about his son’s relationship until he further investigated the theory. Scrolling down the page, Sarek carefully read the site introduction. The creator had clearly introduced this particular site as a fan-based site, where masses could congregate for discussion on the relationship between the two Starfleet officers. He found it peculiar that there would be an entire site and fan-base for his son’s romantic relations.

When he came across a link labelled ‘FanArt’, Sarek hesitated only slightly before clicking. The sight which met his eyes was unsettling to say the least. He was met with an obviously hand-drawn effigy of his son -unclothed- on a large bed, and restrained by what appeared to be old earth-style handcuffs. To the left of the picture, Captain Kirk appeared to be sexually stimulating himself. Sarek fought against his natural reaction of blushing and immediately returned to the previous page.

For once in his life, Sarek wished he did not have an eidetic memory. The too-realistic drawing was burned behind his eyelids. Opening his eyes -he could not recall closing them- Sarek pondered over the image he had just observed. It was an unusual visual. Captain Kirk appeared to be anatomically correct, and yet his son was drawn with two obvious misgivings. The first, his son was drawn with six nipples, three running down the length of his torso on each side. And the second, his son’s… genitals… were drawn abnormally.

Whilst Sarek didn’t want to dwell on the disturbingly inaccurate drawing, he found his mind could not stop conjuring the image of the incredibly long, green and barbed penis which was displayed upon his son. Male Vulcan sexual organs were incredibly similar to male Human sexual organs. They sported a phallus averaging eight point two seven inches long, a thickness varying between one to three inches, and at the tip of the phallus were where the nerve endings collected. Sarek could not fathom why anyone would assume his son would have a barbed penis. Perhaps this was an example of the rights of creativity in an artist’s rendition.

Yet even the notion of such a-.

Sarek closed his eyes and breathed deep, calling on the calm serenity of the teachings of Surak. He was shocked, and this blatant emotion was ruling his thoughts. He dissected the emotion and stored it away, to be locked in the deep recesses of his mind. Whilst shock was not a sentiment accepted among Vulcans, curiosity was. So Sarek decided to further investigate the notion of his son and commanding officer having a romantic relationship.

Sarek contemplated the next link. Often the meaning behind words Humans used was dissimilar to how the word would be interpreted. So Sarek entered the next link with no expectations as to what he would find. The link ‘FanFiction’ on The Kirk/Spock Archive opened to reveal a list of documents. Each document listed a title, summary and rating. Sarek deduced that they were reports on the activities and events in which Spock and Captain Kirk participated. Sarek took a moment to contemplate what this could possibly mean.

Someone in Starfleet was releasing confidential information to the public, most likely without authorisation. Sarek deliberated about whether he should inform the authorities. His duty as an Ambassador meant he had certain legal and moral obligations. However, his curiosity had been peaked. Perhaps whoever had written these reports were officers stationed on the Enterprise? That would mean the documents were first-hand and had not filtered down through numerous gossip journalists. With a new resolve, Sarek decided to proceed in reading the documents before reporting them. After all, it was logical to discover more about his son while he still could.

Deciding to open the first document and peruse its information, Sarek ignored the budding thought in his mind which told him he could possibly be participating in something illegal. Humans constantly practiced leniency towards the law and he knew he could follow this practice -just this once. As he read through the document, he wondered at the poorly written sentence structure and grammatical errors. Surely Starfleet Officers had more intelligence than this article demonstrated? As he continued to read what seemed less like a documented report and more like a story, Sarek’s hands quivered.

It was incredibly… detailed.

With wide eyes Sarek stopped reading and skimmed the rest of the document. Certain words seemed to attract his attention and as he scrolled to the bottom of the document, he read the notes of the creator, ‘Written for the Federation Command Kink MeMe’. He raised an eyebrow and contemplated what this could mean. FanFiction… Could fans of Starfleet be writing fiction about its officers? Sarek knew that Humans could be obtuse in their mannerisms, but surely, could the meaning of ‘FanFiction’ really be so simple?

A quote he’d once heard his wife say drifted through his thoughts. ‘The simplest things are often the truest.’

He decided to continue reading the document. While he now knew there was a high probability -ninety-three point seven four percent- of these documents and the entire Kirk/Spock Archive being falsified, his interest was piqued. As a father, he was interested in knowing what his son’s admirers thought of him. Reading from where he’d previously stopped, Sarek’s eyes flowed quickly over the page.

‘Spock thrust deep inside his T’hy’la, and felt Jim’s pleasure through the bond. Timing his thrusts with the now quick heart beat of his mate, Spock’s sensitive hand reached around to caress Jim’s length. Jim’s pleasure increased his own, which then increased Jim’s, in an unending positive feedback circle of bliss. Spock felt his stomach tighten as he reached his crescendo. With sharp, imprecise movements, he thrust deep and hard into his captain’s love-hole. As his ridged cock pushed against his bond mate’s prostate, they both came with a scream.’

Sarek blinked.

He blinked again.

His shoulders twitched unexpectedly.

Sarek’s next movements registered in his mind as considerably stunted and slow. Yet he seemed to watch with avid fascination as his body moved of its own accord. He rose steadily from his seated position, let the PADD fall from his hands to the floor and proceeded to leave the shelter of his home. As he stepped through the archway leading to the gardens, he breathed deep. The scent of roses filled his senses.

He dropped to his knees and picked a flower at the stem. Picking off petals one-by-one Sarek began to eat. The rose garden he’d decided to cultivate and the delicate rose petals he was consuming did not quiet the disbelief he experienced at reading what he now knew was a fictional piece of writing. Erotic fiction was not uncommon in many sectors of the galaxy. However, for that fiction to be centred on the lives of real beings, it was previously unheard of -to him at least.

As Sarek tried to organise his thoughts, he surveyed his surroundings. The garden provoked deep, emotional memories of his wife. He felt that his keeping a rose garden was a small luxury, as well as a tribute to his wife. Certainly now, as he discarded the rose stem and picked another flower for consumption, he was reminded of his wife and what she would say to him in such a situation.

He imagined her sweet face, laughingly calling him a ‘comfort-eater’.

Sarek stood slowly, dusting his robes as he rose.

All illogical thoughts are not worthy of any considerable amount of attention.

He made his way back into his home and somewhat reluctantly retrieved his PADD from the floor. He navigated away from the erotic fiction site and proceeded to complete his ambassadorial obligations of filling out forms and granting planet leave requests. It was somewhere between requesting a meeting with the Andorian Ambassador and approving a Human’s employment application to work on New Vulcan, that Sarek found his mind drifting once more to the erotic fiction involving his son. He was caught in indecision. Should he - ?

“It is illogical and unproductive to read fictitious erotica. My son does not engage in coitus with his superior officer.” Sarek spoke the words aloud, in a conscious effort to stop the thoughts that filtered through his mind.

In a final effort of control, Sarek dutifully prepared for some much needed meditation. Retreating to the teachings of Surak, he rolled out his ceremonial mat and lit several scented candles. As he knelt upon the mat, and his body relaxed into the much-practiced meditation position, his mind cleared. Storing and compartmentalising his thoughts, Sarek worked towards finding the solution for his distraction. His resolution - to simply remove it from his mind.

Deep within his mind, where he seals unwanted emotions, Sarek locked away the fan-derived images of his son, the fictional writings of his son’s fans and the entire ‘Kirk/Spock Archive’. The process was difficult, yet not time-consuming. However, the rest of the afternoon was spent in contemplative and peaceful silence. Once finished meditation, Sarek’s mind was calm, and no inappropriate thoughts passed through his consciousness.


The stars twinkled through his bedroom window, and the luminescent glow from his PADD encased the room in a haunting light. Blood pumped hard in Sarek’s ears as he languidly stroked his engorged penis and softly rubbed precum over the sensitive head. Lying on his bed, he reached down, collecting the natural lubrication his body provided and probed gently at his - love hole. A flicker of amusement flickered in Sarek’s eyes as he recalled the origin of his learning that phrase.

Rigid length straining for the lost attention, Sarek pulled his PADD closer to his side, where he could read more comfortably. His eyes flowed quickly across the page.

‘Jim lowered his mouth to his first officer’s stiff cock and sucked like there was no tomorrow. The entire bridge crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise was shocked into silence as their captain worked the shaft furiously and tongued Spock’s sensuous helmet right in front of them. Jim’s head moved up and down in frantic motions and saliva dribbled down his chin.

Spock’s eyes closed tight and his head fell back hard against the command chair as he felt a deep, wonderful, burning sensation run through his body, preparing for climax. His face was scrunched up in anticipation.

“Captain! What in space are you doing?” Exclaimed Sulu, as he tried unsuccessfully to cover his now blatant erection. Uhura shifted in her seat, rubbing her legs together, and hummed in agreement with the question.

All they received was a gargled response as their Captain brought his left hand up to play with Spock’s tightening balls. With an almost avid fascination, the bridge crew watched as Jim lowered his head even further and deep-throated his First Officer to the point of no return.’

Sarek returned his hand to his weeping penis and energetically pumped up and down. His sensitive fingers sent tingles racing up and down his spine. He cautiously positioned his PADD upright with a pillow, leaving his hands free to roam.

As his right hand stroked over his length in repetitive motions, his left hand slithered downwards. His index finger slipped along the natural lubricant his aroused body provided, and entered the tight, puckered hole.

Sarek didn’t bother stifling his gasp as a second, long finger entered him and probed deeply. The stimulation of both the erogenous zones on his fingers and the sensitivity of his prostate caused an eruption of emotion within him. Turning back to the PADD screen and frantically holding off orgasm, Sarek read over the climactic ending of the fan fiction on his PADD.

‘Spock’s hands made their way to the back of Jim’s head. Jim meanwhile, used the muscles in his throat to create a swallowing sensation and milked Spock for all he was worth. Rearing back and releasing Spock with a loud ‘pop’, Jim relished in the excessive amounts of cum that was released.

Thick and milky-green, the liquid came out in small bursts, to land across his face, neck and regulation gold command uniform.

Spock yelled in Vulcan, indistinguishable to many on the bridge - but understood for what it was.  The Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise swallowed what he could, and leaned forward to give his First Officer one final lick.

He turned to his crew, who were all aroused and sporting head rushes from the scene they’d just witnessed, “And that’s how you suck cock. Now back to work.” ’

Sarek’s hips thrust up off the bed as the power of his own arousal peaked. Digging his fingers into his prostate almost roughly, and bringing his other hand down in one final, fierce stroke, he ejaculated.

“Oh... Spock!”

kirk/spock, one shot, star trek, fic

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