Mar 08, 2011 02:22

I've decided to start a weekly update. Basically, I'll tell my many followers (yes, all four of you) a little bit about what's going on in my life right now, and how up-to-date I am with my writing.

My day today has been absolutely hectic! I went to uni for 8 hours and afterwards went straight to work, so I'm pretty tired. BUT the best thing about today is that I had a book I ordered in the mail waiting for me when I got home! I ordered Home is the Hunter by Dana Kramer-Rolls.

It's a Star Trek novel, of course. I'm mostly pleased with it's condition. The book is literally as old as I am - 20 years! I think I may clear-contact the cover so it doesn't rip or tear any more than it already has. I'm looking forward to reading it, though I have MANY more Star Trek books to get through first.

I'm currently reading the Star Trek 2009 movie novelisation. It's interesting, and I can see the pictures and hear the voices in my head when I read, but it feels kind of disjointed. In the way that the movie cut between scenes so quickly, this book does the same thing. There aren't as many... embellishments... to the scenes as I would like. Which reminds me, I'm still in the middle of writing my book review for Star Trek Enterprise, The First Adventure. I really did like that book, but I'll leave the rest of my comments for later.

Fiction-wise I've got three works in progress. Chapter One of KVK is about 1000 words off of being finished. I would say that puts it at about half done. Every day I find a little time to add about 50 - 100 words, so I should be editing it this time next week. I'm somewhat unhappy with my writing from a baby James Kirk point of view.


Seriously, how do they think? I only have very disjointed memories of when I was that young. Certainly nothing specific. I like to think a baby Jim is highly intelligent for his age... Oh gosh, I sound like one of those crazy parents! XD

I'm working on a girl!Spock/Sulu piece which should be done towards the end of next week. I have found that I really love writing about girl!Spock. Especially if she's still in the Academy! I may make a series of one-shots focussed in that verse. There's no doubt that st xi kink meme is seriously lacking girl!Spock fics.

My final work in progress is something I've been working on for ages. It's a tabula rasa styled fiction about some of the members of the U.S.S. Enterprise losing their memories. It is based off of a prompt, but it's nowhere near done. I'd like to finish the whole thing before I post it. The sad thing is, though, that I keep finding tiny little inconsistancies and plot errors which make me spend AGES in fixing. In one respect, I love it how it is, and in another respect, I want it to be as perfect as it possibly can be. =)

So that's it for today. I hope everyone else has a lovely, lovely day/night.

life, star trek

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