(no subject)

Oct 28, 2010 11:14

 So we went to Amsterdam and had a pretty great time.  The first night we got in late so we just went out to eat.  Darren also surprised me with this ring:


I guess he got it months ago as a surprise birthday present. It is my wedding ring. Since when we got married our bank account was hurting pretty bad from all the visas and other such horseshit, we just decided to wait til I got a job before buying one. Lol, then I got laid off so you see how well that worked out 8(

We had a really fun time and I would go again, just not this time of year. It was cold as balls and rained a lot one of the days we were there. There was a lot of stuff we didn't have time for though, so maybe one day we'll go again. A weekend trip is perfect. Once I get tired of being there, it's time to go home!

I also managed to use the power of my mind alone to hold back my period all weekend, when it was supposed to start on my birthday. Kick ass.
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