a survey

Nov 20, 2010 00:59

I don't have a lot to say so here's a survey thing.

What three major things are you looking forward to right now?
+ My new job!!!!!!!!!! 
+ A Christmas where we can afford to buy presents and not feel guilty about it.
+ my mother in law's chocolate christmas log cake.... thing.  seriously so incredible

How many sexual partners would you consider to be a lot?
I mean it depends on the person really.  I guess 5-10 in a lifetime sounds all right.  I would be more concerned about someone who had multiple "serious relationships" since everyone I've known who jumps from relationship to relationship like that has serious emotional problems.

What do you watch on tv before 3PM?
Constant reruns of FRIENDS, various reality tv programs.  I'm not into TV much.

What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
Nothing, don't really celebrate it and there's no point starting now since I moved.

How many people have you dated? Why? (picky, will date anyone, etc)
I've only had a real relationship with my husband.  Other than that I went on a few dates and had a fling or two.  It was all very boring.

Have you ever seen the movie, Waiting For Superman? If so, what did you think?

What have you been missing the most lately?
Oh god.  Snowcones, getting high, McDonald's ice coffees, mountain dew, funnel cake, basically a giant list of food.  I also miss hanging out with my friends a lot :/  It is really hard to make friends here.  Everyone my age is married with a litter of children.

If you have a car, who bought it for you? If you don't, why not? What kind of car do you have/want?
couldn't really afford one.  we don't need it right now anyway since Darren walks to work and I can take the bus.  We borrow his parents' car when we need it also.  Thinking about getting one now though!

Have you tried Mountain Dew White Out?
I would if they had it here :(

What's your favorite place to go in your city and why?
In Maesteg?  I used to like the charity shop but they renovated it and it sucks now :/  I like to buy new nail polishes at Superdrug and have coffee at the cafe.

What are the best stores in your mall, in your opinion?
It's easily the Cadbury store.  You can smell the chocolate from outside the store, it is like heaven.

Have your feelings about survey-taking changed since you first started? How so?
weird think to ask

What's the worst part about your job?
the worst thing about my last job at the post office was everyone who came in drunk or high and smelling like they'd never bathed in their lives.  One fat bitch farted at the counter and I almost threw up, I had to walk to the back office to calm down.

Where do you do your banking? What does your bank card look like?
HSBC and now Barclay's as well.  My credit card has the Welsh flag on it (a dragon).  Pretty sweet!

Do you think losing your virginity is different for a girl than it is for a guy?
no shit.

What does your favorite accessory look like? And where did you get it?
the only jewelry I wear is my wedding ring, so that.

Is it harder for you to save money or spend money?
spend.  I HATE buying stuff like clothes because I never know if I'll really like something unless I wear it a few times and end up wasting money ;_;

Have you ever stepped on a piece of glass?

What's the last song you listened to?
Girls Generation, "GENIE"

Do you have something you wear 24/7?

Is there an air conditioner in the room you are in?
no, we don't have air conditioning because it never gets hot enough.

Don't you hate when headphones break in one ear?
this happens to every pair I've ever owned :(

When was the last time you saw a friend?
10 minutes ago, before he went to bed.  Darren is my only friend 8(

Do you automatically repaint your nails when they start to chip?
yes, I am very vain about my nails.

What is everyone in the house doing at the moment?

Has your house ever been broken into?
No, although I'm surprised because ALL my ex roommates used to leave the front door wide fucking open, in the middle of terrible neighborhoods.

Do you like spicy food?
yeah I'm cool with it

Are there a lot of pigeons where you live?
Nope . Seagulls though. <~~~ me too

What color are the last shoes you wore?
black ballet flats

Are you mad that they pushed back the Harry Potter movie premiere date?
I know if people read this I'll get shit for it, but I can't bring myself to care about the Harry Potter movies.  They're always terribly written and terribly directed and Emma Watson is untalented and ugly and ruins the experience for me.

Do you ever get the urge to dance frantically and scream?

Have you ever listened to Christian rock & pretended to be religious?
No, and I don't get why anyone would listen to Christian music to begin with.  Just so terrible.

Are there any questions you're going to ask God once you die?
god isn't real

Do you prefer to call soft-drinks soda or pop?

Are either of your parents abusive? Dont worry, I wont tell.
Yeah but that part of my life is over now so who cares?  I am having a great time and loving life and they're too far away to bother me and will die soon.

Whats your favorite energy drink, if you drink any of those at all?

How many people do you say you love in a day?
1, but not every day.

If you're a guy, do you wear boxers, briefs, or underwear?

What's one thing in the same/opposite sex that attracts you the most?
in shape/muscular

Do you think you're personally attractive in other people's eyes?
I know for a fact that I am extremely attractive to black people and mexicans

How long does it take you in the morning to fix your hair?
If I count washing it and blow drying/styling which I don't always do, probably about 45 minutes to an hour.

Do you have an iTunes account? Or is it just a waste of time?
yeah, it's called utorrent ha ha ha

What is your sexual orientation?
bisexual or something probably.

How much drama does it take for you to freak out?
a lot, and I've unfortunately had to deal with a lot of drama before.  not anymore though and rarely anyway since I tend to ignore/avoid people who stir up shit.

What time is it in the area you are now?
almost 1 AM

Do the holidays depress you or make so very cheerful?
Depress me usually, although I'm getting better.  I've just always had to deal with them not really meaning anything, and struggling to avoid people asking me what I'm doing during them when the answer has always been nothing.  Now though, Christmas and such feel good and I feel like it's something I can look forward to :)

What color are the sheets on your bed? Are they colorful?
cream.  I'd like some more colors though.
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