House Fails to Overturn Bush Veto on S-CHIP

Oct 18, 2007 14:37

Son of a BITCH.
A furious campaign to persuade Republicans to change their votes on the $35 billion expansion of the government children's health insurance program fell 13 votes short today when the House failed to overturn President Bush's veto of the legislation.

Supporters of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) expansion packed House galleries, bringing in children and parents to apply last-minute pressure. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), meeting with Zeke Taylor, the March of Dimes' frail, smiling seven-year-old "ambassador," exhorted: "This is a banner issue for the Congress of the United States. ... We want the members today to vote as if their children's lives depend on their votes."

But ultimately, the president's demand for a far more limited extension of the existing insurance program held sway with enough Republicans. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) charged that "S-CHIP stands for Socialized, Clinton-style Hillarycare for illegals and their parents."

"Americans are tired of the rhetoric," said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio). "They're tired of the political games, and they want us to find a way to work together."

To override Bush's veto, the House needed two thirds of those voting to support the bill. It attracted 273 votes, including 44 Republicans, and was opposed by 156, just two of them Democrats.

For the record? Rep Steve King is a fucking douchebag who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Gah.

Where can we go from here? Is there any hope for SCHIP at all?

health care

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