Oct 31, 2006 08:50
Wow, I haven't posted for aaaages.
Weekend was great, Expo was great, I won third prize in the Masquerade anime/manga/video games category with my San costume, go me!! XD Not bad for a first cosplay! Of course I now have the cosplay bug bad and I'm already starting to think about future cons and events and who to go as.
Unfortunately it's back to my real, stressy life today - I have to leave for a seminar in about ten minutes so I should really get moving. And I have the doom-laden SCAN conversation coming up this week where I basically tell Ben that I've had enough and I'm packing it in. I just can't cope with the stress of it anymore though, and it's affecting my whole life at the moment. Not good! >_<
Since I last updated there have been some really good highlights in life. I've started going out with Nathan since our date a couple of Fridays back, and although life has been majorly stressy and up and down since then, it's really nice to have him there. He's a real sweetheart and is extremely supportive!!
Also there has been some family stuff going on which has been on my mind a lot. My Grandma, who was 82, passed away last week, and her funeral is in two weeks' time. It's being held then because my mum had an operation yesterday which she'll need some serious recovery time from. She's having to take four weeks off work (which she's quite happy about, I think!) and can only drive after two weeks, so dad made the decision to hold the funeral after she had had a bit of recovery time.
Things on that front are ... okay. It was really sad to hear about my Grandma, but at the same time it's not completely unexpected. Now my dad can move on and not have to worry about her anymore, as she is at peace.
And I'm really glad my mum's okay, after yesterday. Her op was a commonplace one but fairly fiddly, so I was kinda anxious waiting to hear how she came through it. But she did really well apparently, so I'll have to send her a card and lots of love.
Ah, I'm still rambling on here when I should be leaving for my seminar. I just needed to get some of that out in here as it's been a while. Lots of stuff's been going on. And I realise that my short explanations have done none of it justice, but for now I think it'll do. Better than a long post covering all of this, which would take a long time to read as well as type!
Time to go now though!! ^_^