Bad news...

Aug 04, 2004 16:05

Just got a call from my mother...

I have alot of cousins... I think there are 15 or so of us... and most of them I don't much care for. But there are a few...

One of them... one of the ones I really care about, that is... went to college through the marine ROTC program and joined the marines straight out of college. He got alot of ribbing about that, being from a strictly navy family. But we were all proud of him. And he looks DAMN fine in Full Marine Dress... which is what he wore to his wedding two years ago, and to our granfather's funeral a year ago.

Today, we learned that he's being sent to Iraq.

I'm scared. He's a good soldier, and a good man. A consummate example of everything a military man SHOULD be, full of honor, and decency, and kindness, and genuine caring. He enlisted because for him, there was no other choice. For him, it was the right thing to do. To serve and protect his country. He has a wife and family that loves him very much.

And I plan to hold President Bush personally responsible if his ass gets blown up over there.

Rational? Maybe not.

Appropriate? You better damn well believe it.
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