Hooray for Farscape!!

Jul 31, 2004 19:29

Swiped this from another board... but I thought it should be shared!

Browder Returns To Farscape

Ben Browder, who plays astronaut John Crichton in the upcoming SCI FI Channel four-hour miniseries Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars, told SCI FI Wire that it was a little strange at first to step back into the role he played for four seasons, but he got used to it quickly. "There are things which were different about doing the miniseries in terms of the way we did it and what we were doing," he said in an interview at Comic-Con International in San Diego last week. "There are differences. Some of it out of personality, some of it out of the type of story you're telling. ... It was weird up until the point where I put on the leathers and walked on the set and went, 'OK. What are we going to do today?'"

Browder credited the fans with bringing back the show, which ended with a cliffhanger at the end of season four. "It's all due to the continued fan participation in the process of getting it back on air," he said. "It wasn't as though it was one initial reaction, and it went away. They've actually sustained a campaign and sustained a community, which is based on the show. It's really interesting, the Internet community."

In the series finale, Crichton proposed to his love, Aeryn Sun (played by Claudia Black), just before the two were seemingly destroyed by an alien ship. The miniseries will resolve some of the questions left at the end of the series, Browder said, but not all of them. "It was important to everyone involved that we addressed what our core audience needed to see resolved, because we're dealing with a long-arc story," he said. "There's certain parts of the cliffhanger which are resolved quickly and other parts which will never be resolved. There's always a lot of untold story at the end of ... Farscape." Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars will air on the SCI FI Channel for two nights beginning Oct. 17 at 9 p.m. ET/PT.
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