Sorta touching...

Aug 29, 2004 15:14

My brother called today around noon... he asked how things were going, how we were doing...

Oh... and if I'd mind if he came out and picked my son up to come stay with them for another week, til school starts.

Apparently, my older niece woke up laughing this morning... and then started crying because she missed him.

*smiles* So I asked D, and he thought about it for a minute or so, and then grinned and said yeah, he'd like to go stay with his aunt and uncle and cousins for another week.

While my brother was here, he said his wife wants to adopt my son. *chuckles*

Anyway, they left around 2:30 or so... I miss him already, but I know he'll have fun and now I wont have to worry about him being home alone next week. He'll be back saturday, and school starts that next tuesday after the holiday.

But damn, I wish I could give him just one more hug. *sighs whistfully*
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