Aug 04, 2011 14:50
This post also contains story arc information as well. It's growing too big for my profile page at so I've decided to post here.
The Docks was originally established sometime last year. I forget the exact month. After some waffling about what was going to happen with my account there, I decided I'd start to update the account in July 2011. I've started to do the updating, but I haven't completed everything that I wanted for last month's update.
Please note the following: This is only a list for the works in progress at! It will not reflect the stories that are either multi-chaptered and completed or the one-shots. It also will not reflect pairings, warnings, story ratings, or story summaries or what's been posted at sites like AO3,,, gurabite, or any other fanfiction posting website out there. If you have any questions about a particular story, please leave a review or send me a PM through Livejournal does NOT inform me when someone's left a comment or sent me a private message for this account, even though I've set it up that way. (I'm actually thinking the problem is through yahoo so I'm checking into that as well.) I'll try to remember to get into this account daily, but I promise nothing concrete.
Anyway, onto the Docks List for Remember: This is for Works In Progress at ONLY. I
The Docks (re-added 01/26/2011. updated 08/04/2011; updated 07/20/2012):
Chrono Crusade (Chrno Crusade):
A Charmed Life - on hold
The Games We Play - slated for work
Tenderness - slated for work
Hetalia - Axis Powers:
Dark Intentions - NEW!! slated for work
Crystal Tamer - slated for work
Like a Hurricane - on hold
Rid Me - on hold
Sparkle - on hold
Surrender Yourself - on hold
Tender Kisses - on hold
The Crow - on hold
The Dark Side of the Sun - slated for work
WishMaster - on hold
The New Missfit - on hold
Rurouni Kenshin:
Reaching for One's Dreams - on hold
Forty Days - slated for work
Speed Racer:
All of My Heart - on hold
Little Things - on hold
The Fairer Sex - on hold
The Haunted Mansion - on hold until October 2011
To Happily Ever After - slated for work
Unexpected and Radical Changes - slated for work
Where Angels Fly - revised. slated for work
You Are - on hold
Star Ocean 3:
Christmas of the Heart - on hold until December 2012
Destinies Intertwined by Fate (formerly A New World of Adventure) - slated for work
Enchanted - slated for work
The Creator's Desire - slated for work
The Power of Fayt - slated for work
Silver Bells - on hold until December 2012
The Ruins of Heaven - on hold
Inuyasha/FAKE/Gravitaion/JEM/Speed Racer:
Love, Life, and Reincarnations - on hold
Inuyasha/Jurassic Park/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Passion Flowers and the Moonlight Path - on hold
Kali's Revenge - on hold
Inuyasha/Saiyuki/Rurouni Kenshin:
The Gunslingers - on hold
Inuyasha/Trigun/Immortal Rain:
Zeke's Adventures in Blue Space - on hold
Star Ocean 3/Star Ocean 4:
Wizards, Warriors, and Rogues - slated for work
Ongoing series (until further notice):
A Day in the Life - Transformers: Generation One
The Apocalypse Journals - Transformers: Generation One (my own series called Transformers: Apocalypse)
Series (also by fandom):
(untitled for the moment):
Roar of the Dragon - one shot. completed
Dragon Storm - first chapter due out July 2011
The Family Saga:
In the Beginning - completed
The Mark of Brotherhood - completed
Casualty of Fate - first part due out July 2011
Family Secrets - completed. will be published after Casualty of Fate
In the Arms of My Father - in progress. will be published after Casualty of Fate and Family Secrets
Interlude - ideas percolating
Shallow Sleep - ideas percolating
The Magi Saga:
WishMaster - in progress. on hold until further notice
The Kiss of Heaven series:
When Lights Go Down - completed
Family Outing - ideas percolating. intended to be a one-shot
Speed Racer:
Events That Shape Our Lives:
Where Angels Fly - slated for work. in progress
no other titles forthcoming yet
Life's Tragic Circumstances:
Heart of a Champion - completed. under revisions for story improvement. 08/04/2011 - revisions complete.
Ask Me No Questions - one shot. completed
In Exile - completed. will be revised for story improvement. 08/04/2011 - revisions complete
Down and Out in Texas - set before White Christmas. ideas are percolating for this. a tentative plan for 9 chapters. Trixie-centric
Old Traditions - also set before White Christmas. ideas, again, are percolating for this. a tentative plan for 15 chapters. focuses on Speed and his life with Torie
White Christmas - one shot. complete
To Happily Ever After - in progress. slated for work
Halloween is For the Young and the Young at Heart - one shot. completed.
Christmas at Home - one shot. completed. will be posted in December 2012
The Newest Member of the Family - set after Christmas at Home. a tentative plan for 15 chapters. Speed and Trixie building a new life together. ideas are percolating. like coffee.
Note about this series: More will probably be added to this since I'm rather fond of this series. Also, not all of the stories are going to be written in chronologicial order in terms of events. I've written the stories as the ideas have come to me so please expect the story table of contents to change as the ideas come. Thank you.
The Way of Life saga:
Our Last Goodbye - completed
Ruby's Sports Bar and Grille Halloween Contest - one shot. completed
Lauren's Trick, Speed's Treat - one shot. completed. will NOT be posted to due to adult content. It can be found at AO3 and AFFnet.
Trixie's Dilemma - one shot. completed. will NOT be posted to due to adult content. It can be found at AO3 and AFFnet
Unexpected and Radical Changes - in progress. slated for work
Note: I already have titles in mind for what happens next, and I will post them in this list when the time is right.
Star Ocean 3:
The Dreamoria Chronicles:
The Power of Fayt - in progress. slated for work
Wisdom of the Heart - will be started once Story One is completed
The Nectar of the Gods:
Letting Go When the Desire to Hold On is Strong - one shot. completed
Honey Wine - one shot. completed
Enchanted - in progress. slated for work
Note: More stories are planned for the Dreamoria and Nectar of the Gods series. They will be updated when the current stories slated for work are completed and the next ones slated for work. When I had this posted to my profile page at, I was running out of space, and even LJ has a bit of a space limit for entries.
Final things: Unless it specifically listed above as otherwise, every story I've published to is complete. While I understand some stories may feel incomplete to the reader and that the reader will want more or for it to be continued, if I do not agree with the feeling, the story will not be updated or have more chapters added. However, if you wish to write a story based off of an ending to one of my stories, send me a PM to let me know you intend to do so and when you finally publish it. I will not be offended if you're inspired by one of my works. The only way I will be offended is if you use an original character of mine without permission or add something to another site without my permission. A little common courtesy is all I ask for, 'kay?
This list will be updated as needed. Stories will appear and disappear. It's the very nature of the beast. Some multi-chaptered stories will be long. Some will be short. Again, the very nature of the beast.
Edit on 03/19/2012: Made this sticky. Yay! Thank you, LJ!!
Edit on 07/20/2012: Adding stuff in and changing dates
chrono crusade,
star ocean,
fanfic lists,
rurouni kenshin,
speed racer