omg i live!!!

Oct 09, 2008 19:43

okay I know I only have one friend here on LJ and stuff, and I have a super-lame username (I like lhooq but I let LJ pick for me, stupidly and ended up with a dumb 7000 and it's $15 to change it), but I decided to come back and join some new communities and post some stuff. I'm not into the HP stuff as much as I used to be since the books ended. The fandom is kind of nuts.

omg I heard the inuyasha manga ended so I started reading it! Holy 500 million chapters! No wonder they stopped the anime. it's so long!! BUt it's so awesome! I love the manga!! And it's rekindled my love for IY. Anyway, I heard theat there are some hot IY comms on LJ for fan fic and fan art. I haven't been online and around much latwely so I don't think I'd be able to get into Inuerotica yet... Too shy to comment there. but I might be able to do some other ones. I just need to start joining and commenting and reading. So much awesome fan fiction around. I love inucest!!! MMmmm sexxy Sesshy and Inu. Nothing better than that! **drool drool**
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