
Oct 14, 2008 09:55

Hooray! I made a new friend! *waves to Inuburden* I've been enjoying getting back into LJ life this week. So many good fics to read and so little time! I hope to get my writing muse back into gear soon, because I'm starting to feel the "itch" to write.

In real life, I forgot to mention that I'm not working at Timmies anymore. The new manager was such a dick! (Carrie left a few months after i started) He was working us to death. There was never enough staff, people were always quitting and he wouldn't replace them for sooo long asnd made us make up the hours. it was too much. I was there for a couple of years anyway and made some money. Anyway, now I'm back at school. I enrolled in St Lawrence college for Social work, and I started this September. it's challenging but fun. I've met some nice people. It's been hard commuting from my parent's place to school everyday (taking the bus sucks), but it gives me some time to catch up on my reading. I've been reading the 'Twilight' series and LOVE IT. Sure it can be a little silly and sappy and stuff, but Bella and Edward totally belong together. I love romantic stories liek that. I'm such a girl. XD

yeah so that's what's been up lately. I'm so boring!
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