new job, new icon, new look!

Nov 14, 2006 05:13

My new job is going great! It's very busy there, but the people I work with are very nice and I really like it there. Sometimes a customer is kind of mean, but that's the way it is when people need their coffee, right? I haven't messed up too often and Carrie (the manager) really likes me. They haven't put me on cash yet, but Carrie says that I should be ready to deal with that by myself soon. And maybe the Drive Thru too! Kind of scary, but fun!

I'm very exceited, I've been accepted into the Harry/Hermione club here. I had to write a note asking permission to join - never thought I'd run into that, but the club is awesome!!! I found a post with lots of userpics for people to take and use, and I took two (using one now of Ron, Hermione and Harry - they look so good together!) I like the idea of Harry and Hermione together. It seems like they would make a really cool couple, and I'm looking forward to reading some of the fics that have been posted in teh club. I haven't been around LJ lately (busy busy with new job and stuff), but I hope to get some good reading done sometime!

I've been playing with the settings for this journal (finally figured it out, with the help of the 'help' FAQs and stuff) and I like this one. Nice and clean, and simple.

Anyhow, that;s it for me! :-)
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