return to deviant art and new job!!

Nov 01, 2006 16:46

I've opened up a new deviant art account! I'm baaack!

I'm just lurking there right now, but maybe I'll post some of my drawings. *blushes* They're not very good, but I'm trying to get better! Now I can see all of the naughty pictures. I'm thinking of writing some fan fiction... I have some origina; stories but I'd rather not post original stuff on the internt (people steal ideas and characters and stuiff sometimes). Maybe I'll post some original stories here sometime. Fan fiction is better for posting on the internet anyway.

oh, and Halloween was fun! I really did scare some kids last night with my zombie outfit. I don't think that they got too many dressed up people answering the doors! I gave out mars bars and little smarties boxes and chips, and we got about 30 kids. I ended up going out for a bit on Saturday after all. I wore my friend Sarah's devil horns and we went to the Alehouse and danced.

I'm starting a new job at Tim Horton's tomorrow! I'm so nervous!! Just part time, but it's so busy there and I'll be training. But it will be good to have some income. It's scary but exciting at the same time.
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