just rambling

Oct 26, 2006 04:14

well I've checked out a ton of HP fics lately, and I've found some really great authors! I'm having a lot of fun with those, and I'm even trying reading some slash fiction. It's not really my thing, but I like the ones with Snape (he's so delicious, it doesn't matter who he's doing I LIKE IT!) I just hate it when they make him out of character like he's evil or something, becaus4e he's so NOT evil!

Anywy, i'm just rambling I guess. I only have one friend here right now, and she's cool, but I'm hoping to meet more friends! Maybe I should go back on deviant art and try it out again. My pictures have gotten better since last time, but I'm shy! I've been working on some drawings of Snape and Lucius from one of those fics I was reading, and I hope no one finds them! *blushes* My mom would KILL me for drawing gay stuff! Damn family, I wish I could move out but I have no money. *is broke* They always go through my stuff. It is so annoying!!!

I don't have any plans for Halloween weekend, but for halloween night I'm going to dress up as a zombie and scare the little kids!
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