List 10 things you want to accomplish before it's too late...

Mar 20, 2010 22:58

 It's back to the old prompt generator. I think I keep picking lists to do because they're just so much easier. Anyway, here we go.

List 10 things you want to accomplish before it's too late...

1. Finally getting done with school and getting a job I hopefully like. haha man.. I'm still so mad that I wasted like 5 years on x-ray. Oh well. I'm not sure if this counts because I'm not sure it will ever be "too late" to get a job but ah, it's on the top of my list of things to do anyway.

2. Read through my entire book list of (right now) 523 books, though I'm sure I'll end up adding many many more. I want to read as many books as I possibly can before I die or go blind from reading too much.. which in that case I would use braille until my fingers fell off.

3. Learn to crochet. In this case I'm wanting to learn it early.. haha.. because old people crochet, yes? I'm old before my time apparently but I don't mind a bit. :)

4. Freaking get down to like 145 pounds :( before it's too late and I'll be old and fat forever!! :( :( :(  I'm very very very slowly getting there.. I've lost like almost 15 pounds I think and have kept it off but wowwwww do I lose weight slowly. Only a million more pounds to go.

5. Get really good at photography.. I'm thinking especially my camera settings and stuff. I want to get really good at that.

6. Definitely travel a lot! (Why didn't I think of this one earlier???) I want to travel before I'm too old! I want to go everywhere! Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, Thailand, Russia, Czech Republic, Belgium, Ireland, Scotland, Whales, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, Cuba (Because I'll be able too muahahaha), Bermuda, India, Jamaica, Fiji, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Israel, Lebanon, South Africa, Romania, Slovenia, Ukraine, and uh, can't think of any others that I haven't been to yet and want to go to.. I know I jumped around a lot and I left out South America because it doesn't really interest me.

7. Live in another country for a while or retire in another country. Most likely Switzerland or Austria.

8. Learn at least one other language besides English fluently. Maybe French.. maybe German.

9. Possibly scuba dive. But I'm terrified of water so we'll see. I'm dying to see the Great Barrier Reef before it's gone :( or dive with a whale shark or something amazing but hopefully harmless like that. And I want to swim with a dolphin!

10. And erm, learn to ski or snowboard, ride a camel or an elephant, umm I dunno what else really..
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