10 of my absolute worst pet peeves

Mar 19, 2010 14:50

 Thanks Janelle for that prompt generator at www.creativity-portal.com/prompts/imagination.prompt.html because I have no idea what else to write about. Not much exciting happens in my life. It's pretty consistently boring. Which suits me, really. I'm not too fond of stress and excitement. Anyway.. back to the post..

10 of my absolute worst pet peeves...

I think I've done a post about pet peeves before, but I'm doing another one because I'm always changing my mind about what annoys me the most. So here we go.

1.  Bad drivers. This includes tailgating, not using your signal (OMG use your freaking signal!), driving down the middle of the street (especially on the kind of back/side roads where we live and people park on the sides of the roads), bad parking jobs, people who don't even TRY to look when they back out of spots, and people who try to rush past you at lights where the road merges into one lane just ahead so they can get in front of you.

2. Mothers. Mothers pushing gigantic strollers in huge herds with all their friends who have huge strollers and just HAVE to take up the entire huge sidewalk. If I see those mothers coming I will go far, far out of my way to avoid walking past them. Did I mention they ALL are wearing the same workout shirts (only the colour differs) and tight black capris or yoga pants, have various coffees, and oh yeah, all have their dogs with them too? Ugh. So pushy, so bossy, SO annoying. And they walk around like they're entitled to take up the whole world just because they popped out a stupid kid.

3. Kids who don't act like kids. To me there is nothing worse than to see young children (usually young girls) about 9-12 that are walking around dressed up in fancy clothes, carrying purses, wearing makeup, and SIPPING LATTES! Like they're 20! I swear these  girls act more sophisticated and frilly than I do. The part that bothers me about it is that they're missing out on their childhood! Those are the best years of your life and they're wasting them acting like boring grown-ups! :( Go roller blading little girls! Go ride your bikes! Go play with toy horsies and go swimming and all those fun things you do when you're little. Don't try to grow up so fast. ;__;  And for goodness sake, DO NOT LIKE BOYS! There is plenty of time for that later. No need to get pregnant already.

4. Cell phones. Yes, that is still at the top of my list. Pretty sure they always will be. Even more so now with the increasing popularity of the i-phone and all that expensive, non-essential junk. Sure it's cool, but man, what a waste of money. I don't think cell phones are a bad idea I just think people are too crazy about using them. I like to think of my cell phone as a portable pay-phone. You don't go to the mall and chat idly on a pay-phone do you? Or call up your friends at the grocery store pay-phone. No. You use if for emergencies. You call someone for a ride or to let them know you're ready to be picked up or to see where the person you're supposed to be meeting is. That's how I think people should use cell phones. They're for emergencies or quick calls. Not fun-time chats. Leave that for home. /end rant.

5. Deafening music. Yes, that's right, I'm looking at YOU all you people who roll their windows down and drive around with your stereos cranked to full volume and super bases that shake everything within 10 feet of you (including my insides it feels like). I hope you break your own windows and mirrors. That is noise pollution! You're drowning out my properly volumed song that I'm singing quietly to and making me roll up my windows until you pass, and I don't appreciate it!

6. Poor spelling and grammar.  It doesn't have to be great. Mind is certainly far from perfect. But at least make an attempt, and know the difference between Its/It's, Their/There/They're, Less/Fewer, don't use Could of/Should of instead of Could have/Should have, and those sorts of things. If you don't know how to spell something, look it up. Use Dictionary.com. Use a Thesaurus. If you don't know something, Google it! Wiki it! At least try to learn something, don't rely on other people to look things up for you just because you're too lazy to do it. I'm not asking for a miracle here, am I?

7. Littering. I hate littering so much. How hard is it to walk an extra 3 feet to a trash can? And please do NOT throw things out of the car windows! Especially cigarette butts. Ugh! I hate those things! And please, please, please spit out your gum in the garbage or just swallow it. Do not spit it onto the sidewalk!

8. Not canceling out the time on the microwave. Please cancel out the time on the microwave when you're done! I want to see what time it is when I look at the microwave, not  :19. Especially if it's a time left of something like 2:31, because then I think it's 2:31 even though it's like 4pm! Argh!

9. Spitting. Ew! That is such a disgusting habit. I don't know how people got started doing it. Blech! Especially baseball players or hockey players or any other kind of players where they are zoomed in on! Spitting is gross, especially up close! And if you chew tobacco... ugh!!! Just don't. It's gross and rude.

10. Really loud people. I'm thinking specifically of a girl in my economics class. She's about half the size of a regular person and twice as loud. It's really annoying in class when you're trying to learn something and she's constantly making stupid comments or trying to make some lame joke that no one thinks is funny. Plus, I'm pretty sure she's taken the class before with the same teacher so she's always ruining the points he's trying to make by blurting them out before he gets to them or yelling out the answers to his questions before anyone else has a chance to think about it. He even told her she was "stealing his thunder" before and she just laughs about it. I hate that girl. 
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