Sunday, 9th October, 2005

May 14, 2006 19:56

Dear Diary,

I haven't had a chance to write in here at all this week, it's been really very hectic. So... let's see what happened this week then...

Well on Sunday I had a nice chat with Saffy, Jackie and Arisu about my hair. Well ok it wasn't just about my hair but it came up in conversation. And anyway I want to dye it again, I'm bored of it again. I wish I was like that little Slytherin kid, she can change her hair colour whenever she wants, have you seen her?! I don't think I'll do purple again though, Sprout was less than pleased last time...

[charmed against ill intent]
Then on Monday, Erik and Juhi were such a bad influence and we bunked off class together! That was well cool. We hung out in the trophy room and ate Bertie Bottses and chatted like told times. I saw my grandad Jacob was on the Puff quidditch team when he was here! I didn't know that! I have written to him and interrogated him all about it.

Talking of quidditch, on Tuesday Dustin tried to teach me how to play better. It almost ended in horrific disaster and I was upside down at one point. But I am getting better.... I think...

Wednesday night was a bit hilarious, Zoe, Tyra and I started Air Banding in the dormitory! hehe we were so awesome. Any excuse for a bit of air guitar that's what I say! I hope it can become a regular feature. Will have to chat to Tyra about it. Imagine a Battle of the AirBands! heheh!

On Friday I hung out with Charlie and Jackie in the Forbidden Forest for a bit. It was cool, we tried to get rid of Jackie's dress robes with hilarious consequences. We thought there was some creature stalking us for a bit but whatever it was must have gone away.

Aaand that was my week!

Oh yes, I did of course have Lessons. Ehem.

Potions wasn't too awful, didn't get any grief off Snape thank god. I got my test back in DADA and I got an E! Wicked. Ancient Runes was as awful as usual and in Astronomy she wants us to get up at some ungodly hour next week to look at the sky! I said I'll only go if Tyra wakes me up. Hehe.

Well diary, that's it for now.


juhi, erik, tyra, saffy, jackie, arisu, dustin, week 006, charlie, zoe

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