About a month ago I had a bunch of questions. A bunch of people answered them, which made me happy, because now I feel a lot less ignorant. But I still have a lot of questions about lj and fandom. Almost all of them are opinion questions, because I'm interested in general consensus. I'm not looking for anyone to form my opinion for me, but it's
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Comments 58
That is weird. And a shame, imo.
Mainly because I've gotten more into post-relevant icons and it's annoying to keep switching them. I also think it would be fun to customize the look of the lj some,
So that's what you get? Icons and customization? Hmm. My problem is that my father drilled into me the idea that paying any regular fee for anything is Evil, and difficult to get out of. Also, I pretty much like sticking with one icon--it's a recognition thing. But I love it when other people have millions of icons--I've seen some people have whole conversations just using their icons, and some of them are just so frickin' funny.
Do you have your own opinions on any of them, since a lot are opinion-based?I'm sure with some my opinion is obvious (as with the Holtz question ;o), but on most of them I can't decide or I'm on the fence, which is why I ask. For instance, I've been going back and forth about what B & A ( ... )
-Why didn’t we get to see a shirtless Angel holding baby Connor? *sob*
-Does anyone at all love Kennedy? I don't mind the concept of Kennedy, but the actor made dismal choices. And I weep for the Tara returns plot that Amber Benson foiled by refusing to come back.
-Why did they maul Charisma Carpenter’s hair Apparently it took too much time on set to style. *sob*
-Can Angel (the character, not David Boreanaz) dance? Ooh, tricky. I wonder what others will say. DB has phenomenal physical intelligence, and he lends it to Angel. So I'd say yes. Except Angel *does* get self-conscious, and he's way more endearing when he is.
-How come male actors don’t have chest hair any more? Do people really think it’s unsexy? Why? I like chest hair! But it's when they start trimming their armpits that I really can't take them seriously anymore.
-What’re your views on using the term “childe” in a fic? Personally? Bleurgh. But I bet different vamps have different vocab. How about ( ... )
Do you mean in "Conversations With Dead People"?
Ooh, tricky. I wonder what others will say. DB has phenomenal physical intelligence, and he lends it to Angel. So I'd say yes. Except Angel *does* get self-conscious, and he's way more endearing when he is.
Sometimes I just plain get confused by Angel's "physical intelligence." Sometimes he moves really smoothly, but sometimes he's clumsy. I could understand if the clumsy moments we're only at highly emotional times, but for instance: he trips coming through the window to Cordy's room with Fred in S4, when they need to get her blood to counteract Jasmine. No matter how nervy he's feeling just then, the Angel I know from every other situation would NEVER have made that much noise when being stealthy is so important. The reason I ask the dance question is he seems averse to dancing, and has a fantasy spaz dance in S1, but he slow dances with both Buffy and Darla and seems fine with it.
How ( ... )
Yeah, it would've started there. AB saw the script and rejected it, because she wanted her fans to remember her as a good guy. She didn't know that, mid-season, Joss planned an episode in which Buffy got one wish from the PTB for her service, one chance to change reality. She could have had her mother back, or Angel. She chose to bring back Tara.
he slow dances
I never met an idiot who couldn't slow dance.
You're subversive.
*g* Moi?
Whoa. I had no idea. As much as I would've liked to have seen Tara again, though, I can't say for certain I would've liked this. Too many people come back to life for me to make it easy to swallow as it is. The whole "unnatural death" thing is the only thing that makes me able to swallow Buffy coming back to life.
I never met an idiot who couldn't slow dance.
You're talking to one. Even if it's standing and swaying? I trip.
Damn straight.
Unless you're reading exclusively S/A there, which I have been doing--thus the lack of seeing Angel sub. Huh.
I also tend to draw a line between bottoming and subbing-
I believe most people do. In fact, there's an interesting article on it in Wikipedia. Why I would look up something like topping and bottoming on Wikipedia? Ask me not.
Except for Buffy, who I think he would crawl naked over bottlecaps for, and call anything she damn well asked him.
Thank you for that image.
And certainly, Buffy got off on it when Angel bit her in S3. I think this is one of those fanon-canon blurry boundary thingsYes, because while I can certainly understand people interpreting that scene in S3 as Buffy getting off on him biting her--and while I've wavered sometimes and occasionally believed it, while reading interpretations in various fic--I prefer to believe she's in serious ( ... )
- Kennedy is meh. Don't hate her, but don't like her much either.
- No, dislike Corduffy. Lopped off and dyed blonde? Buffied much?
- movie isn't canon, not to Joss at least.
- Erm..no he can't dance he can't sing.
- Don't think about JM much at all..and I was never into ST.
- Dunno, only read B/A :P
- Nope.
- Don't care, whatever they're doing keep it up. Hairyness is gross to me. I'll help David wax his chest aaanyday. But he doesn't seem like a very hairy guy, which is odd for a half Italian, half Czech right?
- He'd call Buffy, sweetheart, babe, love AND sex kitten *G* (I'm not a slasher..especially if it involves Spangel *shudder ( ... )
I've become uber bitter about a lot of things that happened later in the verse, and I'm not ashamed to say it..because HUZZAH! I have an opinion!
Second, as for feeling guilty about Doyle... just remember that he was a last minute change. When the actor for Whistler (who was introduced in Buffy so he could take Angel to LA) backed out of the show, they created a whole new demon to be Angel's link to the higher powers. I also didn't like the character. I'm not sure why, but he always felt forced to me.
Last, smut for smut gets old really, really quick. Granted, I prefer to see something rather than a pan shot moving from the bed to the window (quote: The Truman Show), but doing it just to be doing it is boring.
And PS: Yes, males can easily become erect while giving blood (Quote Xander: Can get turned on by thinking of linoleum).
The cramps thing was weird. But the show wasn't very consistent about whether Buffy could sense vamps or not, which made me like the cramps idea more (because it was consistent). In one of the very first eps, Giles tells her she should be able to sense them, and sometimes she seems to, but other times they sneak up on her. Also, Angel surprises her sometimes, but she says in IWRY that she can feel him.
I'm pretty sure Xander has chest hair in any of his shirtless scenes.
He does? I know Wesley does. But is that because they don't want Wesley and Xander to be the sex icons Spike and Angel are?
For B/A, at any rate, they always said each other's names in a way that would make endearments superflous (okay, that sounds like something out of a really bad romance novel).No you don't. Okay, yes you do, but I've heard several people say that. I personally hate the way DB says "Buffy"; I think he's trying to make ( ... )
Well, it would it be illegal. I'm only 16.
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