Questions Post #2

Sep 01, 2005 22:10

About a month ago I had a bunch of questions. A bunch of people answered them, which made me happy, because now I feel a lot less ignorant. But I still have a lot of questions about lj and fandom. Almost all of them are opinion questions, because I'm interested in general consensus. I'm not looking for anyone to form my opinion for me, but it's nice knowing what other people think, especially if there's some sort of group opinion (again, not that I'd be swayed by group opinion). For instance, the question about Holtz? I'd be so comforted if a large body of people could answer "no" to that question.


-Why didn’t we get to see a shirtless Angel holding baby Connor? Was that too much to ask?
-Does anyone at all love Kennedy?
-Why did they maul Charisma Carpenter’s hair, and did anyone like it short and blonde better than long gorgeous luxurious droolable enviable need-I-go-on brunette?
-Do most fics consider the movie canon? Does Whedon consider it canon for the show?
-Does anyone besides me feel guilty for not liking Doyle all that much?
-Can Angel (the character, not David Boreanaz) dance?
-Does James Marsters-as-William look like a young Captain-Picard-with-hair (or, more accurately: Patrick Stewart in I, Claudius) to anyone besides me?
-Are there any Wesley/Virginia fics out there?
-Is it wrong to think Holtz is dead sexy (especially his voice)? Am I alone in this feeling?
-How come male actors don’t have chest hair any more? Do people really think it’s unsexy? Why? And the point: so does David Boreanaz wax his chest or what?


-What names/endearments can you actually see Angel using? (Would he call Buffy “sweetheart”? Would he call Cordy “my love”? Would he call Spike “lad”? Would he call Wesley “sex kitten”? et al)
-What about Buffy? (I know she calls Angel “honey” in an episode. Would she ever call him “hon”? Would she ever call Faith “precious”? Would she ever call Spike “daddy”?)
-Did Angelus ever once refer to his souled self as “soul boy”? (I know others did.)
-What’re your views on using the term “childe” in a fic?
-Am I the only one who’s uncomfortable calling actors by their first names when talking about them?
-What kinda name is Boreanaz?

Lj etiquette

-If you’ve just friended someone new you met on lj, do you comment when they post about their personal lives, or does that feel invasive to you before you get to know them better?
-Is it polite to friend someone without asking?
-Is anyone else nervous posting to a community without being invited to?
-Is it polite to rec someone without asking?
-Is having a paid account really worth it?
-Do you feel awkward weighing in with your opinion on the lj of someone you haven’t friended or don’t know that well? (not in reference to fic; everyone knows writers like comments from whomever they can get them ;o)


-You’re reading an epicky fic with an interesting plot. Does a really long sex scene right in the middle bore you? At what point, really, does gratuitous smut become gratuitous?
-Has Angel ever been the sub partner in a D/s relationship (in fic, I mean)?
-Wouldn’t it be kinda difficult for a human male to maintain an erection while being bitten and sucked on by a vampire? I gave blood (in hopes of helping hurricane refugees in my town, yay) today, and felt cold and limp like a noodle afterwards. Arousal? Difficult to conceive of. Then again, not a human male. What gives? Or doesn't give?

'k. That's all for now. Thanks.

questions: lj, questions: buffyverse, questions

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