wedding weekend

Sep 08, 2002 18:07

So, the wedding was really nice.

I was pretty much a "follow everyone around" person for a lot of the weekend, because any time we saw everyone together, they were doing wedding stuffies. But that's okay. We're putting a wedding pics website together, once we have it up, I'll post the link.

Friday night after the post-rehearsal dinner/gathering I had to drive back to the hotel by myself (from the groom's parents house) because J was staying overnight there with all the guys. I was offered a place at the groom's aunt's house where the bridal party girlies were staying but a) we had already checked into the hotel and would waste $80 for the night with neither of us sleeping there and b) they'd have to get up at 7:00 and I didn't feel like doing that. So back I went, in almost total darkness because the house is in Port Dover (small town) and the hotel was in Simcoe (a bit bigger town) and I had to drive on country roads. Scary.

Saturday I very very slowly got ready for the wedding, because it wasn't until 3:00 in the afternoon, and it was only a 15 minute drive from hotel to church (also in Dover). I have to say, it's very strange every time I have to sleep alone since J and I moved in together. I'm so used to having him there. And in an unfamiliar place too. That was stranger. The ceremony was nice, I managed not to cry. Elle nearly wiped out when she took a step back after signing the marriage certificate, but she managed to recover. This was even funnier to her because we all joked that the flip she took the night before was an omen for the wedding. Friday night she was running down the back steps out of the house, all excited because she was going down to the lake to swim (this house used to be a cottage but then the parents updated and moved in after retiring). It went sort of like this:

Elle: run run run "I'm going swimming! I'm going swimming! I'm going *oof*"

This is where she tripped over a little three foot high tiki torch and fell face first into the grass. We were all momentarily concerned that she might be on fire (she wasn't), but she was just fine and continued down the second set of steps to the lake.

Anyway. We took pics after the ceremony at the groom's house, both in the backyard and down by the lake. Here's a pic of me sitting on the rocks on the beach:

My hair was curlier on the ends earlier in the was very warm that afternoon though, and my curls decided to die. This pic is funny because it has been altered by J...there used to be a disposable camera on the rock to my right =)

The reception was nice too. Food was good, Elle's speech nearly made me cry several times, because she nearly cried several times while addressing the important people in her life that came to the wedding. The dancing was fun, I danced all night. I even got a dance with the groom. Since the groom's mom was a teacher at our highschool, a couple old teachers came to the wedding, including an old gym teacher. He turned out to be a heavy drinker who was already liquored by the time he came to the reception. He got so sweaty during the dancing that his dress shirt was completely soaked. Like, no spot of dryness at all. And he hit on all of us girls on the dance floor (those brave enough to be on the dance floor with him), and even some of the guys, although maybe not "hit on" per se...just got really buddy buddy "we go back for years" type of comfort level with them.

All was good though...we got to bed at 2:00 or so (the reception was in the hotel, which made that convenient), had brunch with most of the wedding party today, and then came home and have been bumming around ever since. Now I need some weekend time.

friends getting married, photos

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