(no subject)

Jun 08, 2006 10:36

I'm feeling a little discouraged with this whole school secretary thing. I haven't gotten a call about being a temp secretary at all, and the message I left inquiring about what the next step would be to get me on the supply pool has gone unanswered. There hasn't been a single permanent position that I could apply for - they are posted for permanent employees first, and if no one applies, it goes to the casual employee job listings, which is what I can apply for, as School Monitor is officially a casual position. Nothing.

I'm feeling like a big idiot lately, really. My decisions keep being made based on the assumption that the information I'm given is accurate, and it's causing me to make bad decisions. I quit my CF job to work at YMC on the understanding that the YMC job would be fantastic, the boss would be great, the gym would be free, and so forth. Not the case at all. I quit my YMC job because the temp agency told me that there would be lots of temp jobs available for me to fill in the time while I waited for the school secretary stuff to work, and because I was told there are tons of permanent secretary postings all the time. Only one temp position so far, and an afternoon spent as a School Monitor, nothing for school secretary temp work, and definitely nothing for permanent positions. I think I might have to look for a permanent corporate job again.

Johnathan thinks I should go back to school to get my teaching degree. It wouldn't be for another year anyway, since it's too late for this September...but I dunno. Part of me really would enjoy being a teacher, but another part of me is hesitent. At any rate, I have a few months to decide. In the meantime, I should probably find myself another job and ditch this school secretary thing after all.

I've been doing okay on the fitness front. I'm starting to do cardio on most days, even if it's just going for a walk with Johnathan. I actually asked Johnathan if he wanted to choose one day a week to be some kind of "exercise together" day. We chose Wednesday, since there's no more Lost :), and I don't know if he realized yesterday was Wednesday Workout day, but he suggested we go for a walk after dinner, so we did. I hate going for walks, I don't know why...I just find them boring, I guess. But, since we don't commute to work together anymore, we don't have the chatting time we used to have, so I think going for a walk will be a good time to do that again.

Anyway, I've been recording my food intake, to see where I could improve, and where I'm actually doing okay. I'm not doing too badly, although I don't know if that's because I'm watching things, or whether I wasn't doing too badly before, and I just happened to be writing it down. I'm getting into a strength training routine, although because I was working at a temp placement last week helping put together goody bags for their golf tournament, I didn't really do too much at home. It was a charity tournament for 1000 people, which meant hiring 10 temps to do manual labour type stuff, opening boxes, packing bags, packing boxes, packing skids, stuff like that. The only time I got to sit down was lunch. So, as you can imagine, I didn't want to do much in the way of working out when I got home. But, on the days when I didn't work, I got in some exercise. Exercise means DDR :). I earned all the flags in quest mode, so now I've moved on to the little quest island to try to earn the title of world champion dancer *snort*. What a silly game :). But, I'm having fun, and having fun while you work out is very important.

job search, health and fitness

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