Let it Snow, Let it....hey, wait a sec...I'm driving!

Dec 07, 2009 12:07

Ah, the pleasures of having a car...and clearing it off! Oh well. Time to re-learn winter driving! It was flurrying on Saturday while I was driving to Bowling Green, determined to find that damn blue beaded garland (which I found, go me!) and it's been actually accumulating since before I was up this morning. According to the local weather, it should be snowing off and on through Wednesday. I guess winter is here! The one good thing about being out here in Ohio for all this snow is that if I look out any of the back or side windows (and some of them are nice big picture windows!), the snow is perfectly white and undisturbed, as far as I can see! Almost makes me feel like I'm in The Snowman, only there aren't as many hedgerows. I even have a Christmas tree up in our parlor and I've baked cookies this week (a random snickerdoodle craving) but my decorating isn't anywhere near finished.

Thursday was a bit of an interesting day this week. I drove out to Cloverdale, because my ceramic Christmas tree needed a new bulb and I didn't feel like paying for shipping or waiting for UPS. Well, even though I had called ahead and confirmed they had one...they didn't. And the drive wasn't exactly short, nor is Cloverdale all that pretty to look at. Humph. But the bright spot of the day is I managed to drag my mom off to the dollar movie theatre and we saw Julie and Julia. I think the Julie character is a little on the whiny side, but I absolutely love to watch Meryl Streep as Julia Child! (She absolutely nailed her mannerisms, and it's such fun to watch her and her husband, in their perfect little 1950s outfits, curse.) It did, unfortunately, make my mother ask whether or not I was still writing. I admitted, of course, that I have this blog, but it's not really serious literature (nor do I keep up with it all that often!). I'm not really a writer - to which she replied I was in denial. Which of course, led me to a sugar-high-late-night giggling idea that if I ever write a novel it should be called Tall Tales of Dwelling in the Land of Egypt...which you'd really only get if you were there.
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