The way of the Keiichan (Happy birthday Koyama Keiichiro!)

May 01, 2017 14:21

*It's my first time to post through LJ mobile which I think is a huge disadvantage because of limited controls, and I have no idea how it would appear on browsers. Pls bear if the post turns out cluttered*

Koyama is now 33 years old and three years in his 30's say not so much appearance-wise. Unlike people whose face don't age, Koyama's face gets youngeras he ages! Still, there's lot of unspoken words about this person; he's sometimes taken at face value and for the role he plays in the group: the leader. Undoubtedly true, but Koyama's more than these. He's a newscaster--he's influencial. Among NEWS, he's the one attuned to the pulse of the general public, whether he's ever made it visible or not. This tall dork know what motivates people, and he's glad to be pulled along because he also knows how to pull along, in his own way. In other words, Koyama is secretly a business tycoon. Joke.

The point is, Koyama is smarter and more noble than what he shows to fans. With him, things fall into place. Might as well check yourselves because Koyama must've made you fall under his influence... a good kind of it. *He's a good person so he'll only leave an imprint of good things ;)*

The community sg-paanas held a giveaway for Koyama's birthday this year. It's all about declarations(that's what's gonna be the theme of this years's 24hr Television, yay Keiichan!) Trying my shot, I didn't know what to "declare" until realizing Koyama has an influence on me. He's not a doormat, when for example, he follows Tegoshi's whims. He's a strong individual, and every strong individual can influence another. Again, Koyama knows how to pull in his own way.

My entry in the contest gives a full exposition of this influence:

Koyama Keiichiro is my silent life-saver. Not in a literal sense, but in the sense that it is because of him that my love for NEWS is still the same, wonderfully alive--but there's the precursor word "silent" because I don't proclaim it often. This is great opportunity to talk about how Koyama influenced me in little but deep ways of looking at NEWS, more than just idols and celebrities, but as an extension of my own family!

When I started in the fandom, I almost didn't know anyone who liked Koyama... Some even frankly said that he's lacking the looks and the talent to be in the group, save for his skill for MC and his kindness. I also didn't know how to tell these people that "I saw the light" in Koyama; I couldn't even explain what that phrase meant, but there was "light" in him and I thought it was more than his kindness that was already obvious from the start.

NEWS became four and the light I became clear and it shone all over the fandom. It was Koyama who spoke for NEWS, it was Koyama at the forefront. Even if in fact it was a collaborative effort and NEWS wouldn't stay if one of the remaining members didn't want to go on, Koyama, specifically, was the face of hope for the fans.

From the time of the new beginning until today, I feel that it is Koyama's light that makes us not go astray. Within the group, Tegoshi displays strength; Shige displays depth; Massu displays innovation; and these make up for a stable and successful group. But if we think about it thoroughly, do these displays make up the love we receive from the group?

It is Koyama's display of love itself. He displays NEWS as a loving group. No matter how many books Shige writes, or costumes Massu designs, or idol-like things Tegoshi does, all to make NEWS different and stand out, Koyama's got the basic formula of reaching out + giving + encouraging that makes NEWS family to me. It wouldn't be like this, in the first place, if Koyama isn't here. NEWS would certainly be successful, but not as reliable as it is now. I think part of why the fandom is humble, aside from the past struggles we all know, is the presence of Koyama in the group. He balances NEWS this way.

I am guilty of not stanning Koyama too much compared to the other three but I am also fully aware that I would not reach this level of comfort I have with NEWS if not for Koyama's natural compassion and the way he virtuously treats everyone.

That being said, the events that surrounded him recently triggered me so hard--I found myself getting emotional at the same level I was when NEWS were at their lowest. My comfort sanctuary was broken; they're trying to dim the light. Koyama, the person whom I thought will never be attacked based on hate, is hated! No matter how good a person is, it still happens! No matter how strong a foundation, it's not eluded from being weathered! I've been way too comfortable in the good things I believed this fandom to be, that when the comfort was blown away, I felt uneasy and somehow lost my faith in the (Japanese) fandom. Which makes it a lot painful, because I'm on the 'international' side of this fandom, among the people who would do anything if not for the distance. We are the people who are envious of the Japanese fans' priveleges, for we are the people whom the agency gives the cold shoulder on, for years.

Since I could not accurately describe the situation and the experience might be completely different if I was a fan in Japan, from afar I'd just like to greet Koyama a TRULY happy birthday. As far as we can see, he handles the situation calmly, and that's the way to go--he is a professional and this way he only shows his maturity and professionalism. However, it is not a secret that he is also a sensitive man, someone who cries as a self-expression and as a reflection of how emotionally attuned he is. I hope he finds solace in his family and extended families--I believe he has many, and for sure it is. I hope I, personally, could become his solace through this post. It is my way of giving back to Koyama being the light and the life-saver in the years I spend in this fandom.

Koyama will be okay. Just as his face looks younger each year, his life will be more sparkling in the years ahead. He is just traversing another bump in the road, and he will get through this because he knows how to pull it in his own influential way.

idol: koyama keiichiro, me the emotional person, message: fandom, group: news, birthday post

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