I wanna know why You! Got Me Going

Apr 12, 2017 17:24

April 12 is rad, astrology says! Technically, my anniversary in the Panic! At The Disco bandom is still 10 days from now, but today marks the exact first year of my rediscovery of the band. What makes it special, it's the frontman of a one-man band's (HAHAHAHAHAHA) date of birth--HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRENDON BOYD URIE!

(cr: popbuzz)

Happy 30th beeboday. Blessed guy is now 30. /Show praise with your body, stand up, sing Hallelujah. Hallelujah!/ I'm personally excited for what I'll see over the net for Beebo's birthday; P!ATD fans are some of the most creative folks I have ever seen. And lover of memes, as belonging to the lover of memes, emo kids and post-emo kids will always have sarcasm on the upfront. I wanna know why they got me going and it seems I already found one of the answers: memes.

I easily jumped in to the fast-growing fanbase (or BANDwagon, you could say) because of the amount of memes that made me laugh when I started to stan Panic!. Top with Brendon's naturally meme-worthy face, his grandiose expressions and "voice higher than my grades" claims, it was very easy to dig further and further that the memes I saw were already repeating. Then again, P!ATD fandom belongs to the most creative folks I've seen so we don't run out of memes; Brendon himself makes new ones, sadly not through shortlived site Vine but he still makes memes out of his actions, words... and face.

(cr: coupdemain--this was posted only a day ago!)

Of course, it's not all about memes or the laughs factor. It doesn't even comprise half of the reasons why it gets me going. The songs, whether they're Ryan Ross-origins or Brendon Urie-composed (or Dallon, or Jon or Spencer or... Brent?) speak to me until now. It doesn't have to be the lyrics, the music gives me life. But the lyrics are genius too--these had made P!ATD a breakout act in the first place.

Music videos are eccentric, though not ultra-eccentric it loses its 'pop' factor. Brendon said P!ATD is pop, albeit it's also different from a pop band; lol I wouldn't even start discussing what genre Panic! is because Panic! defies genre. What Brendon probably meant by pop is Panic! exists to reach everybody's airwaves by their 'slightly' controversial concepts (1, 2), out of the box lyricism, music adapted from music, and exuberance. My goodness, Brendon's exuberance. *warning, brief mention of bias ahead~* Tegoshi may be hyper but Brendon is HIGHper he might have outdid Johnny's with his backflips. Heck, he outdid most future with his forehead.

*Sorry, this is an inside joke :p*

About the "music adapted from music" part, P!ATD's critics would agree that the band is not big on originality. Every album is inspired by certain artists, like when A Fever You Can't Sweat Out was a product of trying to be different from their Garage Rock neighbors in Las Vegas, it ended up sounding like a Fall Out Boy rehashed. Pretty. Odd. could be mistaken to be a The Beatles demo album. Vices and Virtues was more original, but then it was also similar-sounding with '80s alternative rock. Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! was another attempt to be different, for Panic! to be different from itself and so it contains electronic tracks, akin to underground electronic bands. Death Of A Bachelor was an obvious fusion of Sinatra and Queen--Brendon is proud of imitating his idols, whether critics say he fails or is trying hard.

But you can't really question the originality of Panic!'s music when music is largely sampled especially in the era of today. What they are complaining about, maybe, is the argument that Panic! is and should be an alternative band, not a music act which strives to do metal at one point, and Broadway musical the next. This kind of experimentation should be left to the legends--wait, isn't Beebo already a legend? :p

For the record, Brendon is a drunk legend. He likes beer, vines about beer, includes any kind of hard drinks in his lyrics, etcetera. As long as he knows where to draw the line, and it appears he does, then I'll see beer on every casual video and not make qualms. Brendon has/had ADHD and while conditions are usually not to be thankful for, his own drove him to be the experimental guy, the no-brainer when it comes to new things. Because he believes that Crazy = Genius He has tried playing about 20 instruments. He aquires skills just because. He can do stunts, he jumps from rooftops to pools, he can dance and act (we're just waiting for his big break in Hollywood lol), he can pull off a transvestite, he can make a stadium-full audience laugh for 15 minutes straight. But he doesn't do that, he'll just jump from topic to topic. Most importantly, he can narrate a full rad history even when drunk!

Brendon is legitimately nice. Figuratively, he likes to include everyone in the big tour bus (don't try to crowd him though, he has anxiety) and swim in invisible waters with the sharks until we drown. Or if that is morbid (yeah that is), he just wants everyone to treat each other equally and with respect. He doesn't hide his bold opinions of what's good, bad and dirty, he never holds back calling out the bigots: he has tirades against Trump, against homophobes, against sexists, against bullies, against himself when he was younger, etc. Together with his natural creativity, his good heart makes him a true unicorn (his MBTI is ENFP by the way *o*)

He loves his wife. Brendon and Sarah are #CoupleGoals!!!! In their 8 years of being together and almost 4 years of marriage, Brendon consistently expresses adoration for Sarah, like a true fanboy (awwwwweeee). I mean it ain't the end of all things, though that was his wedding vow :p If I have one wish for Brendon's birthday, it is for their family to stay strong and grow in the years ahead!

(cr: banyabell.tumblr)

He really is my spirit animal. He has flaws, he had depression, as the youngest he was spoiled, he was rebellious, was a fuccboi in the past and had fought with band members. These don't outweigh the positive things he possess, and the good qualities he evolved to. I love his busy, wandering mind. I love his dedication to music. I love his flamboyance, showing off the stuff he can do, 'cause why not? I love his stand on social issues. I love how he always remind his fans to be fearless and expressive. "You're a treasure, not trash."

Many more fans, especially those who've seen him in real life, would testify how inspiring of a human being Brendon is. In this birthday post, I hope I've condensed everything I know, what I love about him and Panic!, why the person and the band gets me going. Can I say more, I'm ready to go.

artist: brendon urie, rambles, band: panic! at the disco, birthday post

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