Um, so I disappeared off the face of the planet again.
JET Interview went well overall...I may have stuck my foot in my mouth just a little, part of my big toe...but all-in-all, I think it went very well. Now it is up to the interview panel to decide and also...up to how many spots are open. I assume there are fewer positions available due to Japan's economic decline. I won't know the results until April, though.
Chicago itself...haha. I will have to write about that another time.
Randomly, out-of-the-blue asked out. Very confused by this. It seemed a very middle school thing to do, but what the hell do I know? I'm the one that's never quite understood other people's romantic feelings, particularly when directed at myself. This is not a self-hatred thing, but it's generally in most people's interests to not bother with me in that way. I am bad news.
I was thinking the other day that if I met one of my profs after I graduated and he wanted to buy me a drink, I so would let him.
...and then it reminded me of the prof that Why accused me of "having a thing with" after he saw us exchanging pleasantries when Why invited me to sit in on the class and the prof supposedly "lingered" too long. >___<
And I made a great friend! We are both snarky and bitchy, but the great thing is that we are snarky and bitchy about all the same things! YAAAAY! :D
Keep "losing time" - I may have to start setting reminders on my phone throughout the day to keep myself "on track."
Rejection letter from the undergrad magazine. I'd submitted some random things...I think a comic and then an emo-parody poem with an accompanying emo-parody digitally edited photograph. I guess they didn't like my sense of humor. It was a parody on my punk project days...I was hoping they would get in because I got the feeling my professor for that punk paper would have seen it once it was published and laughed. Oh well. Guess I'll just have to send them to her via email. It was a lot of fun lampooning myself.
But it's still kinda sad...leaving the U, my mark has been: my face on the main page of the English department's website XD, an interview in the English magazine as a student of color affiliated with a specific advising office, a spoken-word piece in the undergrad literary magazine on a CD insert which is also on their webpage, a blurb in the English magazine speaking as a student tracking the crossovers between the English and Gender Studies departments, a poem in the advising office which was "the first" of student artistic displays to generate a sense of "community," and a picture of me on the mentoring brochure from my advising office of me acting a fool, power-stancing, and playing air guitar against the back of another girl doing the same.
I wanted to leave having published another piece, but eh...I thought that I'd done shit at my school and hadn't left my mark in the slightest, but now that I've listed all of that, I realize that for a school with 40,500 undergrads and 25,500 grad/other students...that's pretty good. I need to be satisfied, finish up what outstanding work I have left, and leave to pay back my debt.
That said: Happy birthday,
eurohybrid62! May you discover life's cheat code to infinite lives! :)