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Author's Notes for this chapter: well... the kids (Misao, Yahiko, and co) fought really hard... harder than I would have thought possible to stay in the narrative. They might, but they will no longer be the primary focus of the story as we now travel up to Hakodate.
Having visited the city in real-life for research purposes (academic and fiction-wise) that were partially used (and exaggerated) in my Legends of the Revolution series, Hakodate is quite awesome as a historical site. Of course, foreign visitors might want to brush up on their Japanese because a lot of the meaty parts for the historical aspects are written in the language, but there are a few translations here and there in other languages such as English or Russian.
But anyways, we are now on the last parts of the fic and of the series. According to my outline, its going to be a wild ride from here on out, though I do not have any idea as to how many chapters are left. However, I am aiming for close to 22 chapters (21 + Epilogue), similiar to Remnants. Cheers!