Skating along

Aug 03, 2021 23:07

Not a ton going on right now. We did make a last minute decision to get out of the house and see Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins, which was more fun and slightly less cheesy than I expected. Two thumbs up for summer action. I will say the worst part of the movie was the wigs they put on Scarlet and the Baroness. Not like, "go back to Party City where you belong" level, but not good. Watching so much of RuPaul's Drag Race has definitely spoiled my ability to watch bad wigs (see, e.g., Jupiter's Legacy on Netflix - those wigs were a crime, and incredibly distracting they were so bad).

One more week until closing. I look forward to no longer being on the email list for all of the "does anyone have a parking space" and "OMG, I can't believe someone let their dog pee on the lawn that we just spent so much money to redo" emails from other cult co-op members. The biggest controversy so far at the new place has been the inability of the trash contractors to show up on Mondays for the last week, so the property manager renegotiated them from M/Th to Tu/F. But recycling still only comes on Wednesdays, which I don't get because our recycling bin is always packed to the gills, but we rarely have more than one small trash bag a week. *shrug* Yay suburban life.

drag, co-op, movies, home, suburbs, wigs, cult

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