(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 20:11

Today was an interesting day. I woke up reeeeaally late, probably because I stayed up reeeeaally late last night. Logic would tell me to go to bed earlier to avoid that particular problem... but since when have you ever known me to be logical? Life would be easier if we didn't actually NEED sleep. I mean, its pleasant (my favorite part of the day!) but it just wastes so much time. I could use those extra hours to get important things done.

I was practically dead in first and second hour today, so I skipped band to go sleep in the nurses office. I haven't done that all year so I didn't feel at all guilty. Toward the end of the hour, Will Willson came in with two of his fingers bent totally backwards, dislocated and looking really gross. He said it didn't even hurt, they just felt numb. His dad took him to the hospital... in his gym clothes(that he claims he hasn't washed all year!)... so they could pop them back in place. Ugh. What a day for Willie, though. What with dislocating 2 fingers and having Amanda Parker/Allen Fairbanks/Jackson Shultz/Joe Arco/etc passing aroung flyers with his senior picture on them, calling him a child molester... I'd say he had a pretty shitty day. I have no idea how he managed to seem so pleasant while I was talking to him. BTW, somebody needs to slap Amanda and Co. in the face. Hard. I mean honestly, WTF???

Spanish was a joke today. Andrea and I started off the period by jumping up on the desks. (Don't ask!) After that amusing episode, we were supposed to be silent reading and filling the sheets to turn in at the end of class, sumarizing what we read today. No big deal, except that we are already supposed to be past page 100, and I was still on 81. Ha. So, Andrea and I each skipped ahead about 20 pages and started reading from there, planning to go back eventually and read what we missed. It wouldn't have been a problem, except I absoltely could NOT concentrate!! I only read 17 pages (3 of which I skipped because I didn't feel like reading the silly story Molina was making up in his head) in the entire hour, and I barely understood them. I did, however, make an interesting design on my notebook with the silver foil from my gum wrapper. Yay, productivity! Andrea didn't do much better, but to our credit we did NOT talk... that much. I swear! I filled out the sheet, though, and I guess thats all that really matters...

Lunch was lunch, physics was physics, need I say more? Creative writing was interesting today, though. Not because of the class, lol, but because we finished 15 minutes early and I actually had a decent conversation with Kevin Killroy. Kevin never ceases to surprise me. One minute, he can be a total self centered jerk, and the next he can be incredibly friendly and intelligent. I actually think he's a pretty good guy, despite the fact that he can be very... hm... well, its Kevin. There isn't another word for it. Anyway. He came up to me in class today, sat down in an empty desk, and we started talking. First about the poetry we were reading, then about the class, then school in general, then literature, college, old friends (Matt S works in a Japanese resturant, how great is that? lol) and whatever else came to mind. He didn't make a single typical "Kevin" smartass remark in the entire conversation. It was pretty nice, I haven't really talked to him much since middle school. Ha, I still think of him as Kevin the annoying little boy who lived by Kaitlyn Meehan and harassed us when I went to play at her house, way back in the day.

Speaking of creative writing... my paper is not doing so well. Actually, its proving to be unbelievably difficult to write. I think its because of the topic I picked, but I don't want to change it now. Besides, Mr. Persons really wants me to go through with it, so. Gah!

Make up after school, that was... interesting. Ha. I'd go into more detail, but I really don't have the energy. Kari left looking like she had a black eye, hehehe. Good times. I'm excited about the musical, but I really don't like that they are adding a fourth show. Are they trying to KILL the cast?!!! Two preformances on Saturday is going to be Hell. Tech week should be tons and tons of fun... NOT! *Sigh* Oh well, it always seems to be worth it in the end.

school, friends, spanish, activities

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