Evil Popcorn....

Apr 12, 2005 17:04

So, Kari Protzco hates me. Woo!

I stayed after school today for that stupid APUSH required review session thingy (boring!) and then since Jackie had offered me a ride, I went to go find her. Chris and Andrea were talking in front of Donna's office and they told me Jackie was around the corner doing something for the musical. Sure enough, she and Dana(sp?) were taking inventory for makeup, so I helped. I wiped off, counted, and called off the names of numerous eye liners, lip sticks, etc, while Jackie wrote it all down. Some of them have insane names like "Yakatua you know want to" (I just said that it was redish) or this hideous one called "power pink". Chris and Chaundre came in and started helping, but Chris was more of a distraction than he was worth, lol. He tried cleaning this platic container and got water EVERYWHERE, and he kept asking me what everything was.

"Whats that?"
"That's black liquid eyeliner, Chris."
"Oh. What does that mean?"
"...it means that it's black... and a liquid... for lining your eyes. Its pretty self explanatory."
"Oh ok, I get it now!"

Ah, Chris. Gotta love him. Lol, we were all teasing him because he plans EVERYTHING out perfectly. Dana told him to "try sponteneity, sometime. Its fun." He said he could be spontaneous, but Jackie and I disagreed and eventually he gave up. He brought up Target, and I laughed histerically. Dana probably thinks I'm insane. Pretty soon Chandre and I were singing Joy to the World. Kari should have been there! (Jeremiah was a bullfrog...) Anyway, the Wicked Witch of the West (ooops, I mean, Mrs. Protzco!) comes in halfway through the inventory process and as she walks in she shoots me the DIRTIEST look you could possibly immagine. That woman HATES me! Jackie and Kari (the nice one, not the mean 8th grade English teacher) both believe me now, because as Jackie put today: "Wow! She's MEAN to you!" I know that some people absolutely adored her *coughcoughSTUARTcough* but I swear, she's out to get me. Lol. I need a body guard! Maybe she's still bitter about the whole "Popcorn" thing... (hahahaha!) but MAN! Five years is a looong time to hold a grudge! I can honestly say that there is NO other teacher I have disliked quite as much as her. And now I get to work with her for the musical. *Jumps for Joy*

Today was... decent. I have tons and tons of homework to do, so I think I should be going now. Makeup training session tomorrow... yay! I'm excited about making people look funny...

school, friends, teachers, activities

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