Avengers: Age of Ultron, the no spoilers post!

Apr 29, 2015 19:32

So I managed to get to see 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' this afternoon, yay!! :D :D :D :D

Now I know it's not out in the US until this Friday, so no spoilers yet, but there are two things I want to mention as a sort of heads up! The second is about the 'after credits' scenes that Marvel are known for, as in where and when (but NOT what). I don't think that's spoilery, but some people might like the not-knowing if there's an extra scene to come or not side of the movies, so I've put it under a lj-cut to be safe! See, trying really hard not to even accidentally spoil things for people!

1) Agents of SHIELD
Looking at the teaser for next week's episode, you really should see the movie first or else accept that spoilers will occur. It looks like the events in that episode run concurrent with the events in the movie, so be warned!!

2) End of credits
After the first set of credits, there is one of those scenes they like to throw in. However, when the screen goes to black and the next set of credits roll, there is NO scene after those. So, stay for the first set of credits (with imagery behind them), watch that scene and then, unless you're particularly into watching the credits, you can leave knowing that there are no more end of credit scenes.

agents of shield, marvel related

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