Avengers: Age of Ultron, the no spoilers post!

Apr 29, 2015 19:32

So I managed to get to see 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' this afternoon, yay!! :D :D :D :D ( Read more... )

agents of shield, marvel related

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Comments 10

kanarek13 April 29 2015, 18:35:52 UTC
Ooooh, thanks for the heads up about Agents of Shield. I would have probably watched it and ruined the whole movie experience, OUCH! Uhm, we are talking about ep 2x20, yes?

Otherwise, woohoo \o/


leesa_perrie April 29 2015, 18:41:02 UTC
Yes, that's the episode! I don't normally watch the 'what's on next week' trailers, but I had a feeling that 2x20 might tie in with the movie, so watched it for a change. And it certainly looks like it does to me!

Glad I could help!

I soooo want to squee all over my LJ, but that would mean spoilers, so I'll behave.

For now!! :D


kanarek13 April 29 2015, 18:48:58 UTC
Awesome, thank you :D

I won't read your squee post until next weekend. But you are beautifully tagging your posts so I know I won't accidentally spoil myself. Thankfully I'm not really present in the Marvel fandom in any way, I'm not looking for stuff, I'm not reading anything, don't follow any tumblrs or twitters, so I'm very much spoiler-free and safe :D It's a miracle I did manage to catch the release date, lol.


leesa_perrie April 29 2015, 18:51:41 UTC
I'm trying to wait until next week before squeeing, but we'll see how that goes, lol! :)


aragarna April 29 2015, 18:45:00 UTC
Rather strange that they released it in Europe a week before the US...

(and call me nuts but I always watch the credits till the end, no matter the movie)


leesa_perrie April 29 2015, 19:22:19 UTC
I find it strange that they released it here early! And it means I don't have anyone to squee with right now too!! Ah well, much squee in the future, I'm sure!!

(Hubby and I usually watch to the end - we're a bit nutty like that too!!)


sherylyn April 29 2015, 21:05:47 UTC
I totally understand the "need to squee" impulse! I think I mentioned before, about having seen Captain America 2 last year, and had NO ONE to squee with properly for what seems like eons! My other SHIELD-watching friends didn't get to see the film very quickly, and unless you watched *both*, there were bits of Cap that weren't *as* squee-worthy, etc... Yeesh!

However, I can help! ;-) I'm seeing Avengers Thur. evening, and I'm all current on SHIELD and have seen the previews. So... expect a PM once I get home from the theater! LOL!! Again, my other SHIELD-watching friends aren't seeing the movie for at least a couple days after I do, so... yeesh!!

And glad to know we don't *have* to sit through the credits, b/c my friends and I weren't sure we absolutely, completely believed Joss Whedon about there not being a later scene ;-)


leesa_perrie April 29 2015, 21:27:44 UTC
Yes, we can squee via PM until the world catches up with us, lol!! :D

I didn't know Joss Whedon had said that!! But it is true, once you've watched the scene after the first set of credits, you can go if you wish!


sherylyn April 29 2015, 21:48:14 UTC
YAY for having squee-buddies!! LOL! It really is hard to explain to anyone who hasn't experienced it how hard it is to NEED to discuss things with people who *know*! LOL!!

Yeah, I saw an article on Facebook, I think it was, where the *title* was even something like, "Joss Whedon swears there's no scene at the end of the credits. Really. Honest." -- or something to that effect. And even the article sounded like the author/site wasn't *quite* sure they completely believed him! LOL!! At least that one was quite spoiler-free, though (and it was a month or two ago, so less likely to have actual spoilers, anyway). I've actually just saved some things that discuss the ways SHIELD and Avengers are tied to each other, etc., b/c I didn't want actual spoilers. But at the end of last night's SHIELD, I was already in Super!Squee-mode ;-)


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