Blackbirds again!

Apr 26, 2015 22:35

More news from the garden! There has been a sudden upsurge over the last month of blackbirds NOT sharing the garden or food with other blackbirds. This can be quite amusing. The chasing usually involves Blackbird 1 jumping a short distance and Blackbird 2 jumping closer, slowly pushing the first blackbird out. Well, in theory at least.

Scenario One

Chasee blackbird is being chased by Territorial blackbird. Chasee circles the garden, as Territorial chases. Chasee grabs a sultana every time he passes them, Territorial is too busy chasing to grab food. Chasee circles the garden a few times, grabbing sultanas as he can, Territorial seems unaware that he is getting nothing whilst Chasee is. Eventually though, Chasee goes. Sometimes Territorial returns to the sultanas, other times he's busy chasing a new Chasee...

Scenario Two

Chasee blackbird, Sneaky blackbird and Territorial blackbird. Chasee and Territorial are in chase around the garden mode. Sneaky slips into the garden and grabs sultanas whilst both Chasee and Territorial are busy chasing and being chased. Sneaky manages to grab a few, before Territorial notices him and Sneaky becomes the Chasee... Original Chasee often becomes Sneaky at this point...

Scenario Three

Chasee annoys Territorial too much and a brief aerial battle (no more than a foot off the ground usually, though can be a little higher at times) occurs. This usually sees Chasee off. This is the only time when Territorial seems to get more food than Chasee or Sneaky, except when he is alone in the garden.

My Conclusion

Blackbird parents do not teach their children to share.

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birds, misc

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